On April 15th, 2014 Kathleen Belew, a postdoctoral fellow in history at Northwestern University, wrote an OP-ED piece for the New York Times titled “Veterans and White Supremacy”. The article was mostly focused on racism, and the recent hate crime committed by known the white supremacist Glenn Miller. Mr. Miller however, it also casts an uneccessary dark shadow on America veterans past and present.

Photo: Kathleen Belew courtesy of Northwestern University

“That Mr. Miller was able to carry out an act of domestic terror at two locations despite his history of violent behavior should alarm anyone concerned about public safety. Would he have received greater scrutiny had he been a Muslim, a foreigner, not white, not a veteran? The answer is clear, and alarming.” -From the New York Times “Veterans and White Supremacy

The same conclusion could be said of the two Chechen brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev who detonated bombs at the Boston marathon. How could two Chechen brothers who actively sought out bomb making material on known Al Qaeda websites possibly carry out this act of terror and not be intercepted by the FBI beforehand?



Photo: Featured image from “Veterans and White Supremacy courtesy of the New York Times

Perception is Reality

How do you define truth? Philosophers continue to debate the definition of truth. I’ll argue that the “truth” is a majority of shared observations or conclusions made by a society or social group. Therefore, perception is indeed reality if you can convince enough people.

The problem today is that many in the media and academia routinely stereotype, and mis-characterize  veterans as damaged goods. PTSD is their buzz word of choice.