
Government Hackers, Console Cowboys, The Tech Model Railroad Club, and the Dark Web Part 2

So to recap, Part 1 of this subject covered the deep web and its relationship to analytics, and the dark web and its relationship to nefarious activity in brief. As part of this week’s fun, I thought I would introduce you to Daisake Inoue. I met him several years ago at a VisWeek conference and was impressed with a design he and his team created. Daisake created a system called Daedulus to interface with JP-CERT’s (Computer Emergency Response Teams- Japan) Nicter.

Here is Daedulus: NICT Daedalus Cyber-Attack Alert System

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So to recap, Part 1 of this subject covered the deep web and its relationship to analytics, and the dark web and its relationship to nefarious activity in brief. As part of this week’s fun, I thought I would introduce you to Daisake Inoue. I met him several years ago at a VisWeek conference and was impressed with a design he and his team created. Daisake created a system called Daedulus to interface with JP-CERT’s (Computer Emergency Response Teams- Japan) Nicter.

Here is Daedulus: NICT Daedalus Cyber-Attack Alert System

You’ll see Daisake politely showing off his skillz almost immediately. The center sphere represents the internet as a focal point (not an empirical representation) and then traffic (at the packet level) extends to satellite rings circling the internet. One ring lists the DNS (Domain Name Server), the rest are port numbers (80, 50, etc.), with the inner portion of the ring representing IPs accessing the DNS via ports and tracking incoming IP addresses from the internet. You’ll note some rings have black areas. That’s where unused IP addresses reside. “Dark web” bounces. It’s a bounce in on unused addresses and then bounce out to a live site. In summary, there are systems out there than can track this behavior. Before we move on to Hyperboria, lets look at one more case study.

This one was conducted by Philipp Winter and Stefan Lindskog at Karlstad University, appropriately titled “Spoiled Onions”. They created an exit relay scanner to determine if they could isolate patterns within relay behavior. They knew from observation that some do more work than others (probably dedicated relays) and sought to expose relays used to launch malicious attacks against non-Tor users, essentially using Tor as a primitive bot-net and circumventing the BadExit flag (for all you dorks out there).

Wired did a piece on this and they outed which relays dominated the malicious attack table. To no one’s surprise, it was Russia. I’m sure most of you suspected the USA did this, because after all, Edward Snowden  and Glen Greenwald said so. In fact, if you look closely at the largest attackers on Nicter, you’ll see the PRC and Russia are the largest attackers. No surprise here either.

Now…why in the world would the NSA need to monitor all this activity? It’s all benign right? Poor down-trodden average people who need to escape their governments use Tor. Not one bad thing comes from decentralized state-usurping collectivism. The sad thing is, about 10% of the people on this site are likely using a “zombie,” a bot used in a bot-net attack.  Despite your AV programs.  Food for thought.

So, Tor increases anonymity. But really what you want is privacy. You don’t care about a communal marketplace for exchanging goods of questionable nature or talking to your fellow pedophiles. Say you want to build an insurgency. You don’t want to use commercial ISPs. Cool. Scoot on over to Hyperboria through Meshnet. Hyperboria is the place. Meshnet is the network of roads. Hyperboria is a decentralized network structure. Most of you connect through the internet via your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Most of you deal with the devils  known as AT&T, or Verizon, and Comcast. You lost your internet neutrality to these punks. It’s o.k. though, it wasn’t that valuable to you anyway. Otherwise you would have to fought to keep it.

How does Hyperboria work? Simple. Like clandestine cells. Today we call a network of these “surrogates.” Most clandestine cells, but especially communist ones, work in three. You can imagine why Russians like the word “troika.” Came from the NKVD…who were…any guesses?…Bueller? A network of clandestine cells. There is a reason they were called “secret police.” It was also the name of a special commission that carried out sentencing. Quickly.

Hyperboria ensures privacy by only allowing people the network “knows” into the fold. You must already know someone on Hyperboria to get in. The way you get to know someone is IRC (Internet Relay Chat). I use a CLI (command line interface) client called BitchX, but there is a huge amount of diversity for IRC clients. You get on and head on over to #projectmeshnet channel on the EFNet and start chatting up the commies.

Once you know Comrade Rottencrotch, you need to install cjdns on your Linux system. Don’t even have a Windows box for this. Waste of time. Yes, I’m leaving out virtualization. cjdns is “Caleb James DeLisle’s Network Suit.” Ooooo… fancy. It is a system for creating an ad-hoc infrastructure network, omitting ISPs, for a “grass-roots” style network “founded on the ideology that networks should be easy to set up, protocols should scale up smoothly, and security should be ubiquitous.” It is private by virtue of its IPv6 infrastructure encryption running on a Kademelia hash table.

Kademelia is a peer-to-peer public key encryption system. In regular-folks language, that means you talk to your buddy using a key only he and you know, and that key is confirmed by a key only you know. Two keys: one private, one public. Your private validates your public.

Now go back and talk to Comrade Rottencrotch and be like “Yo, hook me up with your public key and I’ll give you mine. For the Rodina!!” Go to the cjdns config file in your cjdns parent directory and start plugging in the information. Once it’s in, run cjdns and “abracadabra.” You’re connected to Hyperboria. Encrypted. Talkin to the commies. It’s private. Don’t forget to port forward. You gotta let that guy be up all in your shizzle. It’s a close relationship. Like Ranger buddy/Navy SEAL workout close.

The positive side to this is that cjdns is not beholden to Hyperboria. Roads, remember? You could potentially use cjdns to communicate with your fellow Navy SEAL work-0ut participants. Or start an insurgency in China. Or be sitting in Egypt in Tahrir Square setting up counter-networks against government attempts at censorship. Could be used to free people, right? Right.

Wait till I tell how you can use cell phones to create cjdns nodes, or use cell phones to talk…without cellular service… Another time perhaps. What’s next for all you crazies out there? I’m going to show you how China is taking over the world with hetnets and peace. This is the Wolfman signing out…

(Featured Image Courtesy: YouTube)

About Coriolanus View All Posts

Coriolanus's background is as an all source fusion intelligence analyst. He currently works as a hybrid intelligence analyst and security engineer. He has worked in the intel industry for over ten years and specializes in DoD joint intelligence analysis, counter terrorism, joint targeting, and cyber information operations, among others. Coriolanus has worked at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war working for special mission


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