North America

News Roundup: Criminal VA execs’ demotions overturned, porn star takes uniformed soldier to AVN Awards, New York Times racism

Gangster Government Strikes Again—Criminal VA Execs’ Demotions Overturned:

WASHINGTON — Federal judges have overturned decisions by the Department of Veterans Affairs to demote two senior officials accused of manipulating the agency’s hiring system for their own gain.

The VA demoted Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens last month. The VA’s acting inspector general said the pair forced lower-ranking managers to accept job transfers and then stepped into the vacant positions themselves, keeping their senior-level pay while reducing their responsibilities.

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Gangster Government Strikes Again—Criminal VA Execs’ Demotions Overturned:

WASHINGTON — Federal judges have overturned decisions by the Department of Veterans Affairs to demote two senior officials accused of manipulating the agency’s hiring system for their own gain.

The VA demoted Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens last month. The VA’s acting inspector general said the pair forced lower-ranking managers to accept job transfers and then stepped into the vacant positions themselves, keeping their senior-level pay while reducing their responsibilities.

Rubens earns $181,497 as director of the Philadelphia regional office for the Veterans Benefits Administration, while Graves receives $173,949 as head of the St. Paul, Minnesota, benefits office.

It’s been suggested to me, more than once, by several close friends, that I perhaps spend too much time on certain subjects. I suppose it’s a fair criticism. Especially in the culture we live in now, with lightning-speed information, and given the fact that we are evolving to have the attention spans of squirrels. I get it, believe me. Do you think I actually LIKE discussing this human excrement every week? I wish we could just talk about awesome stuff that our men and women in uniform are doing, and the cool equipment that they’re doing it with. I have no more desire to spend any more time on these hideous women than necessary.

But this is important. See, because public-relations people have also taken note of our distraction with any shiny object that happens to cross our path. And this is what they tell people who are caught up in scandal to do. Apologize. Keep your head down. This will all blow over, because the sheep out there are going to get caught up in the latest outrage of the day, and they’ll forget all about (insert various scandal/atrocity/dead hooker here).

I’m not going to do it. I’m not giving up on bringing this freaking abortion up, over and over again if I have to. Because this is a goddamn perversion of justice on so many levels. It isn’t just that these women are THIEVES. It isn’t just that they are stealing tax money. It’s that they are stealing resources that are meant to take care of our men and women in uniform who badly need it. It’s an atrocity, and the fact that it barely makes the news is a disgrace. Look at those salaries, and remember, on top of those VERY generous salaries, which don’t include pension and healthcare benefits, that these two criminals stole $400,000, and, AND, not only were they not fired, a corrupt, piece of SHIT judge reversed their demotions. Listen to this garbage:

An administrative judge reversed Graves’ demotion Friday, saying higher-ranking officials knew about her plans and did nothing to stop them. A different judge reversed Rubens’ demotion Monday on similar grounds.

“There is a significant problem created by the inconsistent treatment of a comparable employee,” Judge William Boulden wrote, referring to Beth McCoy, a VBA official who also pressured a regional manager to leave his position. McCoy was never disciplined and was later promoted, Boulden noted.

Hey, Bouden? SO WHAT? The correct answer, you turd, is to fire the other people as well. This is unbelievable to me. Essentially, the moron in the black robe is saying that, even though she stole money, because her superiors weren’t disciplined, then…oh well, I guess. Unreal. So nobody gets punished, nobody gets fired. Oh, and they can now file a claim for back pay that they didn’t get while they were in the demoted status! Un-friggin’-believable.

Rubens told the judge at a hearing that she “did not hide any of her actions” and that at least three higher-ranking VA officials — including Allison Hickey, the VA’s undersecretary for benefits — were aware of the scheme.

Hickey resigned in October amid criticism of a chronic backlog in disability claims and questions about her role in the transfers obtained by Rubens and Graves. The report by the inspector general’s office said Hickey and other top VA officials likely encouraged the scheme.

In a separate ruling last week, Judge Michele Szary Schroeder said penalizing Graves was inconsistent with the VA’s failure to discipline the higher-ranking officials, particularly Danny Pummill, a top VBA official in Washington who was aware of the actions by both Graves and Rubens.

I’ve been musing lately about the assumptions people make about a well-run government. It’s like they just take for granted that our government isn’t like those banana republic third-world corrupt cesspools in other parts of the world, and I don’t think it’s true anymore. In my opinion, you absolutely MUST have two things for a successful, functioning government that people trust. The first is the unfettered freedom of speech, our most precious asset. But the second, which is almost as important—the rule of law. The idea that NO ONE is above the law, and that whether one is a king or a peasant, the rules apply across the board.

And that rule of law is absolutely vanishing. We have a president who abolishes border sovereignty and immigration laws with the stroke of a pen. We have a presidential candidate running for office who not only used her position as Secretary of State to enrich herself by taking bribes from other countries while she was in office, she mishandled classified information to a level that would land ANYONE else in prison. We have an IRS that targets certain groups it sees as political enemies. We have a Congress that passes stupid laws, and then, with White House approval, arbitrarily changes them upon a whim to appease political allies.

And we have civil-service branch, which, drunk on its own power, feels zero compunction in stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars, knowing they will never be punished because of these bizarre and arcane civil-service protections. We laugh at the depictions of Central American strongmen of the past like Hugo Chavez and others. Are we any goddamn different?

I will follow these criminal women wherever they go. If nothing else, at least I can keep splashing their ugly mugs across cyberspace and make them live on in infamy through Google. And if they end up at the San Diego VA, I swear to Christ, I will stand out in front of that building with a bullhorn and a sign until they drag me off. I’ve had it. I’VE HAD IT I TELL YOU. Shit.

I Want the Guillotine Brought Back:

A second teen is now charged in the shooting death of a Hoover husband, father, and Iraq war veteran.

Authorities today announced a murder charge against 17-year-old Ahmad Johnson. He is charged in the slaying of 33-year-old Mike Gilotti who was gunned down Jan. 5, and then collapsed and died on the front steps of his Lake Cyrus home.

A Jefferson County grand jury six days ago indicted Johnson and 16-year-old Charleston Wells, each on one count of murder and nine counts of unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle.

We somehow missed this one when it first came out, to my regret. No big deal, it’s only an icky Iraq War veteran with kids who got murdered by pieces of shit. I mean, if he was a criminal thief and punched a cop in the face after stealing from a store and got shot, I’m sure this would be round-the-clock coverage. Our media is worse than Hitler. Look at these two angels:

Investigators today said Johnson, Wells and the other suspects are members of a Bessemer-area gang called M-tre, which stands for Money Making Mafia. Though they claim to be aspiring rappers, Rector said M-tre members are street criminals who break into cars and commit other crimes to get money. They often post pictures of themselves on Facebook and other social media sites holding guns and money.

Gilotti was shot to death about 4:55 a.m. just outside his home in the 5500 block of Park Side Circle in Hoover’s Lake Cyrus subdivision. He was heading to the gym for a morning workout when police say he encountered one or more suspects breaking into his car. According to the affidavit used to secure the murder warrant against Wells, his wife, Heather Gilotti, heard two gunshots and then heard a vehicle “with a large engine” pulling away from the scene. Gilotti collapsed on his doorstep. He was later pronounced dead on the scene.

I’ve heard enough. Oh, and the human shit shot him in the back. Drag them out of their cells and use the axe, “Game of Thrones” style. Mike Gilotti is survived by his two young children and his wife, in whose arms he died of his wounds.

Outstanding Week for the Swabs:

A Navy corpsman who will receive the Silver Star said he was just doing his job when he shot and killed a rogue Afghan commando during a 2014 insider attack.

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Alejandro Salabarria will be awarded the nation’s third-highest valor medal Friday by Maj. Gen. Joseph Osterman, commander of Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, at a ceremony aboard Marine Corps Base Lejeune, North Carolina.

On Sept. 15, 2014, while deployed with the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion to Herat, Afghanistan, Salabarria took out the rogue commando after the Afghan opened up on his team and fellow Italian and Afghan special operations personnel.

Using courage to remain cool under fire is in the very finest traditions of the U.S. Navy and the United States military. And he wasn’t the only one who was honored this week:

In a White House press release Tuesday, President Obama announced that he will award the Medal of Honor to Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward Byers on Feb. 29. Byers is receiving the highest military award for his bravery and service as part of a SEAL team that rescued a U.S. citizen being held hostage in Afghanistan in December of 2012.

In the December mission, Byers and the other members of the SEAL Team Six unit raided a Taliban hideout where American doctor, Dilip Joseph, was being held. Joseph, who was in Afghanistan on a humanitarian medical trip to “train the local health professionals”, was held hostage for three and a half days before the SEAL team rescued him, he reported in a radio interview.

Byers, who is originally from Ohio, will be adding the Medal of Honor to his already remarkable military awards consisting of five Bronze Stars with valor, two Purple Hearts, the Joint Service Commendation Medal with valor, three Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals (one with valor), two Combat Action Ribbons, three Presidential Unit Citations, two Joint Meritorious Unit Awards, two Navy Unit Commendations and five Good Conduct Medals.

Outstanding work by our men, as usual. I am in continual awe of the ability of America to produce such courage. If you think it’s common in the world’s militaries, it isn’t. Absolutely amazing. I was slightly amused at this line at the end of the story, though:

While the Pentagon will not confirm whether Byers was a part of the SEAL Team Six unit, Joseph noted that the rescue team gave him a SEAL military coin that contained the roman numeral VI.

Heh. Well, I guess that narrows it down. Great work, Chief Byers.

Follow Me on Twitter for High-brow Political Commentary:

Although two of my predictions I made last week for the Iowa Caucus results were wrong, I’m still holding out hope for the third one to come true.

For my worthless prediction this week, let’s go with the Super Bowl.  Carolina beats Denver by 2 touchdowns.

Navy; Army Uniforms Changing to Accommodate Fatties:

Although the size of the force has gotten smaller over the past two decades, the size of individual sailors has grown.

That’s the conclusion of a year-and-a-half-long Navy study in which several thousand sailors were measured to see if body dimensions had changed since the last studies were done two decades ago. A similar but larger Army study, completed in 2012, found that soldiers were typically larger than in years past.

Instead, Navy officials turned to the Army, which between 2007 and 2012 measured more than 13,000 male and female soldiers, taking 94 different measurements of each subject. That created a database of over 2 million data points, according to Gantt.

At first, I chose to believe that the uniforms were changing because, due to our warrior ethos becoming more widespread, the soldiers and seamen had merely become more jacked. You know, shoulders like cantaloupe, abs of steel, and 20-inch pythons: All the things that you’ve come to take for granted from your friendly military representative. But then I kept reading.

On average, male soldiers were only .016 inch taller but 15.4 pounds heavier. Chest circumference increased by 2.65 inches, waist circumference by 3.09 inches and buttock circumference by 1.41 inches. Shoulder breadth was 0.73 inches wider.

Female soldiers, on average, are actually .035 inches shorter now than they were 25 years ago, but 12.6 pounds heavier. Female chest circumference increased 1.56 inches, waist circumference by 2.7 inches larger and buttock circumference by 2.14 inches. Shoulder breadth for women increased by 0.69 inches.

Well…that’s no good. Tighten it up, ladies. 


ROME, N.Y. — State police say an Air Force officer based at a military research facility in central New York has been charged with rape.

Troopers say 49-year-old Andrew Green of Jamesville, New York, was arrested Wednesday and charged with third-degree rape for having sex with a female under the age of 17 in a Syracuse-area town.

Military officials at Ohio’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base tell the Observer-Dispatch of Utica that Green is a colonel who works as a division chief at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, New York.

Green was released from the Onondaga County jail after posting bail. It couldn’t immediately be learned from authorities whether he has a lawyer who could comment on the charges.

Bro, that is GROSS. Ugh. You’re 50 and you’re getting after a 17-year-old? Come on, guy.

USAF PJs, Combat Controllers, and More About to Get Dat Cheddar:

The Air Force is nearly tripling the number of jobs eligible for selective re-enlistment bonuses in fiscal 2016.

Airmen in 117 career fields could receive bonuses of as much as $90,000 if they re-enlist. That’s far more than the 40 Air Force specialty codes that were eligible for the bonuses in 2015, the Air Force said in a Monday release…

…Most of the jobs eligible for bonuses last year — such as 1A8X1 airborne cryptologic language analysts, 1C2X1 combat control, 1C4X1 Tactical Air Control Party, and 1T2X1 pararescue — remain on the new list. However, the 1N4X1A fusion analyst-digital network analyst career field, which was eligible for re-enlistment bonuses last year, has now been dropped from this year’s list. A similar career field — 1N4X1B fusion analyst-analysis and production — is newly added this year.

You’re always going to get big reenlistment bonuses with CCT, PJs, and other SOF units. The military has spent a ton of money on them, it’s REALLY hard to find them in great quantity, and they don’t want to let them go.

I thought the fusion analyst thing was kind of funny, though. For one, I have no idea what that is. Also…so the fusion analyst–digital-network analyst is out, but the fusion analyst–analysis and production is in? Okaaaaaaaaaaay.

Go to the link and you’ll find a complete list of jobs offering bonuses. For our younger readers: These are the jobs that you want to get into. As to be expected, drone pilots and maintainers remain a hot commodity:

Also new to the list are jobs such as 1A0X1 in-flight refueling, 1A1X1 flight engineer, 2A3X8A and B remotely piloted maintenance for MQ-1 Predators, MQ-9 Reapers and RQ-4 Global Hawks, and 2M0X2 missile and space systems management.

This is, Uh, Interesting:

It takes some serious style to attract eyeballs while surrounded by actresses at an adult-film awards show, but Anthony Berg had one thing no other red carpet-walker had: an Army Service uniform.

A sergeant in the Army Reserve — he spent eight years on active duty — Berg attended the annual Adult Video News Awards in Las Vegas as the guest of actress Mercedes Carrera, who held a contest offering a free trip to the show to a current or former service member.

Hoooooo boy. I gotta hand it to my man Berg…that takes some stones. There’s some obviously intended hilarity sprinkled throughout the article, so stop Googling Mercedes Carrera and let’s take a look. (Yes, she’s attractive. Pervs.)

The unit supply specialist’s entry was one of about 250 the star received, Carrera said. Most were from service members recommending their friends for the honor — most of the friends politely declined. She selected five finalists and let a few associates in the adult film industry make the final call.

Bahahahaha. That’s a good one. Anyone who has ever been in the service knows that people got jokes. And getting notice that you are a finalist for a porn star’s contest that your “friend” put you in for is a goddamn good one. Kudos, men. But Mercedes is more than just a pro, you guys:

“Being an adult film actress has a lot of pros and cons, but one of the pros is that you have a platform,” said Carrera, who frequently discusses veterans issues on her YouTube channel and via social media, and whose father served in Vietnam. “People will notice what you do. I thought it would be a great opportunity to use that platform to use something valuable.”

Yes, I’m sure your dad is thrilled. He probably wishes he was still back in the bush with the man in the black pajamas, crushing Natty Light and smoking reefer.

“He’s (Berg) kind of your everyday soldier,” Carrera said. “He’s not Rambo. It wasn’t about that.”

Huge pet peeve here: Do you ever notice, when it comes to goodies like this, it’s alway the freaking REMF guys that get the call? Like, when I watch the NFL games, and see all those soldiers on the field with their one basic-training ribbon on their dress blues. Or a baseball team has some huge surprise homecoming for the admin guy coming back from “the war,” and lavishes gifts and awesomeness on the whole entire family? What the hell, man? I freaking NEVER got any of that shit, and I don’t know any pipe-hitter who ever has. Yes, I’m bitter. It gets better:

Berg’s win came with a bonus — Carrera also flew the sergeant’s wife out for the event.

“She was all for it, because it was Vegas,” the sergeant said of Tara Berg, his wife of four years. “She loves Vegas. That was the big thing for her, and a free trip. She knew what [Carrera] did, but it’s not like she followed her or anything. When I said who she was, she had to Google her.”

Ladies, show of hands? Who would let their husband go to an adult-video event and drink booze with porn stars while you sat at the slot machines? Anyone? But Mercedes was digging it:

“I loved that his wife was very supportive,” Carrera said. “I didn’t want it to be a thing where people would be like, ‘Yeah, Mercedes totally effed this guy.’ That’s not why I was doing it. I certainly don’t want to cause any marital problems. That’s my own personal code of ethics.”

Well…YEAH. Honestly, what is the point if you’re not going to score a little pro action out of this whole deal? I would have at least made her SAY that we had banged. And that I was really awesome. You have to get something out of this, Berg. Let’s continue.

“My big question [to superiors in his Appleton, Wisconsin-based Reserve unit] was, ‘Is it going to be a problem if I wear my dress uniform?'” he said. “They didn’t see a problem with it. I’d been reading in the regs, trying to find some concrete evidence that this would be something I shouldn’t wear a uniform to. I didn’t really see anything that would prevent me.”

You know what? Good for them. Who knew Appleton, Wisconsin, was easygoing when it came to sinful flesh-based pleasure?

He was a hit inside the hall as well, Carrera said. While the actress didn’t win either award for which she was nominated — one individual, one ensemble, neither category particularly safe-for-work — her date chatted with starlets and talked shop with several former service members, including spouses of actresses and even some performers.

We aren’t PG here at the News Roundup. Yes, I Googled what awards she was up for. I DO THIS FOR YOU PEOPLE. The, uh, “ensemble” award was for “Best All-Girl Sex Scene,” with her entry being a movie called “Sisterhood.” (Do people really watch all-girl porn? Weird. I mean, I can’t relate to that.) The individual award was, “MILF Performer of the Year,” with MILF, of course, being an acronym for Mother I’d Like to…you know what? Figure it out, man.

After a short stop at an after-party — “It was a Vegas nightclub, and the music was ungodly loud,” Berg said — the night was over, but the experience wasn’t.

Berg sounds like a real party animal. “Ugh, this music in this club is SO LOUD. And my Mai-Tai is so STRONG. And it’s too DARK. Why is it so DARRRRRRK?”

Then, of course, here came all of the killjoys, wagging their fingers.

As images of Berg in uniform began circulating on social media, some commenters blasted his decision to wear his uniform to such an event, while others questioned his (and his wife’s) participation on the whole.

Oh, fuck off. I’m with Berg on this one. I GUARANTEE you, if any other dude had the balls to go, he would have worn his uniform in the hopes of scoring some pro trim as well. I mean, it’s not the greatest thing in the world, but it isn’t the worst, either. Get a life.

Female Combat Engineer Decides Job is Hard, Quits:

One of the first women to sign up to become an Army combat engineer is now considered a deserter after being AWOL for 30 days.

Pvt. Erika Lopez was supposed to report to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, on Jan. 4 after convalescent leave. She was considered absent without leave on Jan. 5 when she didn’t show. Lopez was dropped from the rolls Thursday, which means she’s considered a deserter, said Tiffany Wood, a spokeswoman for Fort Leonard Wood.

“After 30 days in AWOL status, a soldier is considered a deserter, and a federal warrant is issued for his or her arrest,” Wood said.

Lopez arrived at Fort Leonard Wood Sept. 22, Wood said. She started training on Oct. 5 and was on week 11 of training when she was sent home on convalescent leave…

“Women can do anything they set their mind to just as well as men,” Lopez told the news station when she enlisted. “I don’t really see any difference at all. I hope women will want to join.”

Well, it doesn’t seem so in this case, does it, Lopez? Get back to your unit and face the music.

Stop Stealing People’s Bikes, Marines:

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – In January, video released showed military police stopping mountain bikers North of State Route-52, near mission trails park in Sycamore Canyon for trespassing on MCAS Miramar base.

Most of the trails north of State Route 52 are owned by the U.S Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, yet mountain bikers have been riding the trails for years. Now, military police armed on ATVs have begun confiscating bikes near Mission Trails.

Cyclists said it has never been a problem, but the military said with a shooting range nearby too many cyclists were crowding the trails making it dangerous.

“I’ve seen some signs but not a lot. Where there are signs, I don’t go there,” said Arturo Hauter, who had his bike impounded by the military police.

Riders argue the military needs to build a fence; however, the Marines said it would cost too much and riders need to just stay out.

“We use it as pistol ranges, rifle ranges. We use it to explode ordinances, so there is a lot going on out there that is inherently dangerous,” said 1st Lt. Matthew Gregory, Public Affairs Officer, MCAS Miramar.

I feel this is a self-correcting problem. Why do we have to make all these rules to save the stupid from themselves? It’s getting annoying. If you drive your bike onto a range while it’s being used for live fire, then you might die. It’s like putting up ugly fences along a beautiful seaside cliff: It isn’t necessary. You know where the edge is. If you walk off of it, you’re a dumb dumb. You don’t have to go stealing people’s bikes, jarheads.

…Bikers who had their bikes impounded are still waiting for a federal hearing before they can pay up the $500 fine and resolve the issue, but it could take them months before they get their mountain bikes back.

Bullshit, USMC. Stop impounding bikes. Write a ticket if you HAVE to do something ($500???), but don’t take people’s bikes away from them.

Immigrant Vet Deported for Heroin Possession? Hmmmm…

A 72-year-old U.S. Army veteran is fighting to be buried in the country he served after he was deported to Mexico in 2009 for a heroin conviction.

Pvt. 1st Class Andres De Leon was 18 when he enlisted to fight in Vietnam. After serving for 12 years, two overseas, he was honorably discharged, a local Fox News affiliate reported.

Mr. De Leon, who had moved with his family to Madera, California legally when he was 12 years old, slipped into a deep depression at age 63 and was arrested for possession of heroin. Section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act lists this as a valid reason for deportation and three years into his sentence at Soledad State Prison, ICE told him he wouldn’t be returning home, Raw Story reported.

OK, so it sounds like an outrage, right? Here’s my problem, because I read between the lines: There’s obviously a whole lot more to this story. Nobody gets three years in California State Prison for simple heroin possession. On the contrary, our maniac senile governor, Jerry Brown, deeply detests putting criminals in jail and does everything he can to NOT put them there. If you’re in STATE PRISON in California? You’ve done something really, really bad. Or, at least something kinda bad, multiple times. I don’t buy it.

He now lives in a small, one-bedroom house in Tijuana, Mexico, with other deported veterans.

Mr. De Leon said he may never see America again, but believes he’s still entitled to a proper veteran’s burial.

“I’ve been told the only way I can return is dead. So, if dead is the only way I can return, I would like to be buried with my friends in the Catholic Cemetery in Madera, California,” he told Fox.

Citing privacy concerns, an ICE spokesperson said the organization couldn’t comment on any specific cases, but said immigration judges do take someone’s military service into account when deciding to deport someone, Fox reported.

“Any action taken by ICE that may result in the removal of an alien with military service must be authorized by the senior leadership,” ICE said in a statement.

I can’t make a judgement call here, because something is missing. There’s more to this story. I do think it’s kind of funny, though, that with the hundreds of thousands of violent, criminal illegal aliens that Obama and his useless, sack-of-shit DHS secretary, Jeh Johnson, have let into the country, THIS is the guy they’re dropping the hammer on.

Scumbag Embezzled 100 Large From Marines:

A Belton woman pleaded guilty Friday to stealing more than $100,000 owed to U.S. Marines after they had left active service.

Johanna Howard, 38, embezzled $109,138 from July 2014 to May 2015 while she was a supervisor at the Marine Corps Finance Center in Kansas City, according to her plea agreement in U.S. District Court in Kansas City.

Howard admitted to diverting money to personal bank accounts and using the money for things like Kansas City Chiefs season tickets, vacations, new furniture and a carpet for her home, gifts to relatives, and the paying off of 11 payday loans.

According to the plea agreement, Howard forged the signatures of Marines who were owed separation pay after leaving the service. The money they were entitled to was transferred electronically to her bank accounts.

Nice government employees we have. ELEVEN payday loans? What is going on there?

Don’t Drink and Drive This Weekend, You Idiots:

PEYTON, Colo. –A Retired Army Colonel, accused of driving dunk after a Broncos game and killing a Colorado State Patrol Trooper, waived his preliminary hearing Friday.

Eric Henderson is facing several charges, including vehicular homicide and DUI.

Police say he ran over and killed State Trooper Jaimie Jursevics. The 33-year-old trooper was hit while investigating a wreck.

Henderson, who lives in Peyton, is out of jail on $500,000 bond.

Freaking jerk. Nice face, Henderson. You’re screwed. And all because you couldn’t take a $20 Uber home. It ain’t worth it, people.

Sir, I Think You’ve Had Enough:

The commander of a multi-billion dollar American warship was fired on the eve of its Middle East deployment last year after a drunken night out with his subordinates led to allegations of sexual harassment, Navy Times has learned.

Capt. Brian Sorenson’s 25-year military career began to unravel Aug. 30, when he and several junior officers assigned to the cruiser Anzio attended a “wetting down” party at a bar in Yorktown, Virginia. He is accused of engaging in a highly inappropriate conversation with a woman who worked for him, allegedly propositioning her for sex in exchange for career advancement, according to a Navy investigation report obtained Thursday via the Freedom of Information Act.

The report also includes allegations from a female officer who told investigators that Sorenson grabbed her buttocks while they were in the bar. It is unclear if the complaint was made by the same woman or another, as the Navy’s report is heavily redacted.

Why is it redacted? The women’s names shouldn’t be made public, I suppose, but what’s up with the rest of it? This should all be public. Sunlight is a great disinfectant.

Great Moments in Multiculturalism:

A 10-year-old boy was so brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle that he had to be hospitalised for his injuries.

A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was entertaining himself by repeatedly jumping off the three-metre diving board.
Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a ‘sexual emergency’ as he had not had sex in four months.

The Iraqi, who had been working as a taxi driver in Vienna, told police he knew it was ‘a mistake’ and did not mean to ‘scar the boy’, reports Kronen Zeitung.
But the migrant, who had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, said he could not help himself as he had an ‘excess sexual energy’…

Yeah, this is going to end well. Remember, though, don’t you put anything mean on the Internet about the refugees! After all, criticism is the real crime here. What a gross example of Third-World barbarism. And it’s not the only one.

…Austrian media have also been following another case of a 13-year-old girl who is allegedly repeatedly being raped by her 26-year-old husband, who she married in Syria.
However, the teenager has not spoken against her husband, who is claiming that he has the right to have sex with her after their marriage was consummated, under Islamic law.

Please deliver us from these Stone-Age, barbaric fanatics in robes.

Racism at the New York Times:

DEFYING most polls and predictions, a Latino won the Republican Iowa caucuses, and another Latino came in third. Together, they won more than half the vote.

With Senator Ted Cruz taking nearly 28 percent of the vote and Senator Marco Rubio getting 23 percent, each vastly surpassed the results for any other Latino candidate in any previous United States presidential contest.

How is that not being celebrated as historic or at least worth a headline for a day or two?

The answer is not that complicated: Neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Rubio meets conventional expectations of how Latino politicians are supposed to behave.

I’m shocked this made it past an editor. Did you understand what this writer, Roberto Suro (presumably Hispanic), is saying?

It’s all well and good for white people, you see, to be politically diverse. That’s expected. But these brown people? How dare they think for themselves, or have their own opinions! The white liberal intelligentsia at the Times, along with the professional racial-grievance shyster industry, have decided that THOSE particular Hispanics are now un-people!

After all, New York Times columnists are VASTLY familiar with Hispanic culture. It isn’t like “Hispanic” has EUROPEAN origins or anything. It isn’t like the term “Hispanic” covers huge swathes of culture, many different shades of skin, millions of square miles, and several continents.

No, no, no. You see, THEY KNOW HISPANICS. Why, the white liberals at the New York Times employ many Hispanics in jobs suiting their particular race. You know, janitorial work and the like. They understand that the guy from Mexico chugging Michelob in the parking lot in his Jesus air-brushed Chevy truck listening to Piolin and ranchero music…why, that’s a PROPER hispanic. Ted Cruz has pale skin, for God’s sake! HE MUST FEEL SHAME.

See where I’m going with this? This is liberal racism at its worst. It’s the same notion that fanatically defends lowering standards for the “correct” amount of black people in an institution, because, after all, “What can you expect from THOSE PEOPLE.” They take a huge swath of people from many different countries and many different socio-economic backgrounds, and reduce them to a caricature of perceived values based on ethnicity. I think there’s a word for that….

Absolutely gross. I mean, I knew they all thought that, I’m just shocked that they wrote it down and published it. And there’s this:

No less an arbiter than Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor, seemed to condemn them without naming names in a column last month. “There is no greater disloyalty than the children of immigrants forgetting their own roots. That is a betrayal,” he wrote.

Absurd. I have served with MANY Americans of Hispanic descent, and they have wildly divergent views on everything, including immigration. As a matter of fact, almost all of them come from families that have been in the American Southwest for a hundred years, and dislike unfettered illegal immigration as much as I do. Are they “less” Hispanic for thinking that, you racist morons? And it’s a “betrayal” when your family came here LEGALLY (they always leave that distinction out, and it makes me insane) and you don’t think that unlimited, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION from now until the end of time perhaps isn’t a sound national policy, Ramos, you freaking garbage person? Oh, but he’s the big moral “arbiter?”

As a matter of fact, Ramos and Suro, my old boss at the PJ team was a highly, HIGHLY decorated American of Hispanic descent himself, whose family has been in the United States for many decades. I suppose Super Sanchez, as we called him, isn’t really “Hispanic” to them.

And how long does one’s family need to be in the United States before you start losing that allegiance to the homeland? You’re supposed to be Americans now, not Mexicans, not Hondurans, Guatemalans, or anything else. And even if you have sympathy for people in other countries, you should have a basic respect for the United States to decide who, and HOW MANY immigrants, they choose to let in. You should also make the easy distinction of recognizing that there is a difference between legal immigrants, who we have invited to the United States, and illegal immigrants, who we have not.

I’m half Ukrainian. My family has been in the United States for over 100 years. Does that mean if waves of 6′ 2″ Ukrainians with square jaws, barrel chests, and great hair start landing on the beach, competing with my job, I should be ethnically loyal to them and not the laws of my country? Hell no. It sounds absurd even writing it. But this is how the New York Times think “those people” should feel. Forget the rule of law, right? Let’s just abolish the border even more than it is, because social justice or something.

Fuck Jorge Ramos, and fuck the New York Times. They are both an embarrassment.

Meanwhile, in Russia:

A waitress working late at night got the shock of her life when an agitated naked man burst into the cafe and asked her to kill him.

The incident was captured on CCTV in the central Russian city of Saratov.
When the stark naked man enters the cafe he heads immediately for the row of tables by the window and lies down.

‘Kill me, please!’ he shouts to a waitress who is standing in the doorway of the cupboard behind the counter.

‘Hurry, shoot me in the head. Push the panic button and bring the special forces squad in here, fast!’

Eventually he climbs back over the counter shouting to himself and walks towards the door, apparently smearing his own feces on the wall.

It was not reported what happened next although it is believed he was taken to a secure psychiatric institute for analysis.

This is in Russia, so I just assumed the cops took him around back, put two in his head, and called it a day so they could get back to butt-chugging Smirnoff or whatever it is they do there.

True story: I was looking for a better image for this story, so I Google image searched “Naked Man Russia.” Don’t ever do that. For the love of God…don’t ever do that.


is a retired USAF PJ. Currently frantically checking the mailbox to see if there is any news regarding his Secret Service Application.


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