
Watch: Syria’s next generation of fighters

This video takes you into Aleppo, Syria, alongside some of the rebel fighters (in this case, the Jaish al-Mujahideen) that are fighting both Daesh and the al-Assad regime. The fighters focus on teaching their children how to fight because they are the next generation, and will be prepared to continue the fight against the current enemy, or the next, after their parents have fallen. “If they don’t know how to use weapons, then they are considered uneducated,” one fighter says. Although most have fled the area, these rebels pride themselves for making the decision to live with their families on the front line, stating, “We live together and we will die together.”

Image courtesy of Reuters

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This video takes you into Aleppo, Syria, alongside some of the rebel fighters (in this case, the Jaish al-Mujahideen) that are fighting both Daesh and the al-Assad regime. The fighters focus on teaching their children how to fight because they are the next generation, and will be prepared to continue the fight against the current enemy, or the next, after their parents have fallen. “If they don’t know how to use weapons, then they are considered uneducated,” one fighter says. Although most have fled the area, these rebels pride themselves for making the decision to live with their families on the front line, stating, “We live together and we will die together.”

Image courtesy of Reuters

Video courtesy of Vice News

About Desiree Huitt View All Posts

Desiree Huitt is an Army Veteran serving 11 years as a Military Intelligence officer and prior to OCS as a combat medic. She is a graduate from the University of Texas in Austin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Middle Eastern Studies.


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