Currently, Canada is involved in 14 operations worldwide. Although most of them are with the U.N., we have served for more than 10 years in Kandahar, Afghanistan where fighting occurred on a daily basis. We participated in almost all of the U.N. peacekeeping missions since the 1970s, making us one the largest contributors to the peacekeeping effort. Canada was also involved in the first Gulf War.

I have heard so many times things like “Canada has an army?” or “Canadian soldiers are this and that.” This article might prove you wrong. I am writing this as I think that the world should know that we fought bravely and as hard as we could in the last decade alongside our NATO allies in Afghanistan.

This is one of the most important operations Canada took part and even led in our time in Kandahar. From 2006 to 2011, we stood our ground and inflicted a great deals of casualties to the Taliban. I was also told by civilians in a bazaar beside my COP in 2009 that the Taliban openly said that the Canadians were very good warriors and they respected us.

This article reflects on the knowledge I have from Operation Medusa, which is very little and from website such as Wikipedia and this website. I did copy some integral parts of their texts and I am sorry about it, but I wanted to expose the facts that happened during Operation Medusa.

From September 2-17 2006, Canada was involved in an operation called Medusa. Canada led the second battle for Panjwaii that included soldiers from the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark and the Afghan National Army for an approximate total of 1,400 soldiers on the ground. Canada contributed about 1,050 soldiers and a handful of Canadian SOF. Operation Medusa was the first NATO ground combat operation in history, and was the largest Canadian offensive since the Korean War.

On the other side, it is believed that the Taliban numbered about 1,200 fighters.

Operation Medusa was the biggest battle in Afghanistan since 2002, and was intended to clear the district of Panjwai of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of Taliban fighters controlling the district. Panjwai is also the birthplace of Mullah Omar, the Taliban spiritual leader, and saw the birth of the Taliban movement in the mid-1990s. I had the chance of go to Sangisar, the village he was born in, and let me tell you that it was the FARWEST and we had to peel back quickly.

During the battle, 28 coalition soldiers were killed; 12 of them were Canadian soldiers from 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group. 14 British soldiers died in an MR-2 crash (not the result of hostile action), 1 American soldier (Sergeant 1st Class Micheal T. Fuga, who was a mentor with the ANA) and 1 Dutch soldier. On the Taliban side, 512 fighters were killed and 136 were captured, for a total of 648. That’s an average of 32 EKIA and 3.5 Taliban fighters captured per day.