The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has drawn criticism once again, this time, from President Elect Donald Trump.

The incoming president took to Twitter to voice his concerns about the high costs associated with the development of the F-35, which is on track to become the most expensive weapons system in human history by a wide margin.  Current predictions place the program’s overall cost to be in the neighborhood of $1 trillion.

Trump did not explain whether or not he intends to make changes to the existing F-35 program or if the Lockheed Martin effort will be scrapped under his administration, stating only, “The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.”

The 2017 Department of Defense budget that was released earlier this year calls for $10.1 billion in F-35 spending in 2017 alone, which should outfit the Air Force with forty-three jets, sixteen for the Marine Corps and four for the Navy.  The Joint Strike Fighter is intended to replace a number of different aging platforms, including the workhorse A-10 Warthog, which has been in use since 1977.

Trump also called out Boeing via Twitter last week, citing “out of control” costs for their new Air Force One fleet currently being developed.  The President Elect went on to urge the federal government to “cancel the order.”

Republican Senator John McCain agreed with Trump’s take on the exorbitant costs associated with the problem-ridden F-35, but made it clear that the president will not be able to cancel the program that has already been funded.

“He can reduce the buy over time, next year, as we look at it again,” McCain told Reuters.

Other experts agree that Trump will be unable to simply turn off the flow of funds into Lockheed’s bank accounts, but his stance on the platform could usher in a new age in defense spending that requires more shared risk than the existing “blank check” approach utilized by the government in the development of the F-35.