It was an honor to attend the Presidential Inauguration and a first for this citizen. To be able to be present for the historic day was a privilege. The entire affair was not hectic and near the Capitol at the ceremony, was peaceful.

It was crowded and rainy. There were protesters, I was told to go f*ck myself on some occasions. But, overall this inauguration felt relatively calm and uneventful. The feeling close to the event on the Hill was civil and peaceful. I was surprised. I thought it would be packed like a Rolling Stones concert and as chaotic as a Jimmy Buffett concert.

On the way to the Inauguration, smaller protesters were hanging out, but were harmless and not very loud. One in particular was yelling at everyone he saw and while he made some humorous comments was combative and unnecessarily aggressive. However, in another part of town, there was legitimate cause for concern as people destroyed the glass windows of a downtown Starbucks.

The entire Capitol was secured by police and National Guardsmen.

But, back in the Southeastern end of D.C. things remained mostly calm. People began to fill the national mall and the Capitol earlier this morning starting at six. The event was divided into color codes that were broken down by proximity to the steps of the Capitol.

The weather was dreary and with light showers that proceeded on and off the entire time. On the way to the ceremony, several stands were selling Trump T-shirts.