
Turkish Special Forces and civilians retake CNN Türk amidst coup

Overnight in Turkey, a military coup has rocked the already unstable nation, overseen by the tyrannical leader, Turkish President Erdogan. For the moment, it’s best to remain objective as reports come in, yet the mainstream media is again forgetting to speculate on any reports from Turkey; a nation in question. Turkish President Erdogan has silenced freedom of speech and the freedom of the press in Turkey, under Turkish law, Article 299/301 – prior to the coup.

Also, and as I’ve previously written on Turkey, a nation that has primarily turned a blind eye to Daesh (ISIS,) in favor of disrupting Kurdish forces, until recently. The on-going European refugee crisis has also been exploited and manipulated by Turkey, as it has played for a favorable borders and trade deal with the European Union. Just as well, any reports from a nation who is maneuvering towards despotism and has shut down the media outlets who has opposed the state media should be questioned. There is also an extremely odd and the increasingly, relatively possible Turkish Deep State, which also brings matters unique onto itself across the ancient national landscape. Yet we all tolerate Turkey, primarily thanks to its strategic geographic location.

Midnight Madness from Ankara to Istanbul

As the coup rocked, the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation was captured by the Rebel Turkish Army. From their foothold, they released a statement announcing that they had taken control of the country and imposed martial law. Their move was geared to upend Turkish Law No. 6112, which allows the government to institute a temporary blackout to “protect public order or national security.”

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Overnight in Turkey, a military coup has rocked the already unstable nation, overseen by the tyrannical leader, Turkish President Erdogan. For the moment, it’s best to remain objective as reports come in, yet the mainstream media is again forgetting to speculate on any reports from Turkey; a nation in question. Turkish President Erdogan has silenced freedom of speech and the freedom of the press in Turkey, under Turkish law, Article 299/301 – prior to the coup.

Also, and as I’ve previously written on Turkey, a nation that has primarily turned a blind eye to Daesh (ISIS,) in favor of disrupting Kurdish forces, until recently. The on-going European refugee crisis has also been exploited and manipulated by Turkey, as it has played for a favorable borders and trade deal with the European Union. Just as well, any reports from a nation who is maneuvering towards despotism and has shut down the media outlets who has opposed the state media should be questioned. There is also an extremely odd and the increasingly, relatively possible Turkish Deep State, which also brings matters unique onto itself across the ancient national landscape. Yet we all tolerate Turkey, primarily thanks to its strategic geographic location.

Midnight Madness from Ankara to Istanbul

As the coup rocked, the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation was captured by the Rebel Turkish Army. From their foothold, they released a statement announcing that they had taken control of the country and imposed martial law. Their move was geared to upend Turkish Law No. 6112, which allows the government to institute a temporary blackout to “protect public order or national security.”

The Rebel Turkish Army then attempted to shut down all airports and ports and instituted a curfew.

Statements That Made Things Worse

Turkish President Erdogan via an exclusive interview on CNN Türk via Facetime stated , “The people should to get on the streets and fight against this coup attempt.”

The people did and were in return for their national service, slaughtered in great numbers  as rebel and loyal factions of Turkish Armed Forces exchanged fire. – More to follow.

Oddly from America, General Wesley Clark on CNN said, “The coup plotters made a lot of mistakes—not arresting the president, not shutting off the internet…”

Keeping up with the weird statements on the Turkish coup, Former CIA officer Robert Bear told CNN, “I’ve been involved in coups before.”

Another retired U.S. General chimed into CNN, but I failed to catch his name in time. Although, I did capture his comment that lacked common sense and basic know-how for using armor as escalation of force, crowd control, blockades, and maneuver, “Unless you’re willing to fire it, that tank is not really useful in making your point.”

. . . Good god man, even the Chinese backed off in Tiananmen Square.

Jack Murphy called the action, via Fethullah Gulen,

The Turkish coup attempt took place a few hours after the Turkish Justice Ministry issued an order for the extradition of Imam Fethullah Gulen from the United States.

President Erdogan also confirms that the coup is being orchestrated by the US-based fugitive Imam Fethullah Gulen’s movement within the army.

Shortly after the order, the Turkish Justice Minister, Bekir Bozdag was forced to make a new statement,

“I call on our nation to stand against those who point weapons at our nation. A coup attempt isn’t within army structure. The government and security forces are in action. The result will not be what they want.”

Lights Out, Guerilla Radio

Shortly thereafter, at the State-run news agency. The first target was captured as a coordinated assault on the media was undertaken by the Rebel Turkish Army.

Soldiers stormed the Turkish Satellite TV Administration in Ankara, which controls the signal for all Turkish television channels.

The Rebel Turkish army then seized TurkSAT (satellite provider,) where two civilian staff members of TurkSAT were reportedly killed in the raid. Yet, the Rebels were unable to hold TurkSAT for long, and withdrew and retaliated from the air –  TurkSAT was then targeted in an airstrike by a Rebel warplane, of unknown type.

The airstrike implies that the Turkish Air Force is in collusion with the Rebel Army – they also targeted the Turkish parliament. The coup is much larger than cooperation or helicopters. This means the coup is larger than loyalists are reporting. This means that pro-coup jets and helicopters are still in the skies above Turkey.

Loyalist, First Army Commander Dundar has contradictorily stated, “Situation under control. Anyone not respectful to the nation’s will has no place in the army.”

The Hurriyet Newspaper was also seized by the Rebel Turkish Army.



CNN Türk – Capone-N-Noreaga – State Aligned Media

At 20:00 EST, a group of soldiers entered the Doğan Media Center building, the home office for CNN Türk.

A few scenes from CNN Türk, as rebel soldiers landed entered the building.


CNN Türk reporter, Virgo Sengul announced that a military helicopter landed in front of the Doğan Media Center. A raid by the Rebel Turkish Army immediately followed. It took place live on CNN Türk, until the Rebel Turkish Army seized the studios, and announced that CNN Türk would not continue broadcasting.


By 20:43 EST, the CNN Türk news channel, was partially shut-down. The broadcast studio was evacuated and as the image of an empty studio was still aired with the noise of a confused and frightened staff mixed with rebel soldiers. Faintly in the background, a few discussions took place behind the scenes. Eventually, the broadcast studio stream was replaced with an image that read, “Soldiers out,” in Turkish.

Throughout the short-lived occupation, the audio remained on as shouting and reports of intermittent gunfire from CNN Türk. The broadcast simply continued, with no one on camera.

From within the occupied CNN Türk studios. Via Twitter.

Civilians soon gathered outside the CNN Türk building, yelling “Soldiers get out!”

Frequently there and across Turkey today is, “Ya Allah Bismillah, Allahu akbar” & This country is ours, will remain ours!

Soon after around 21:30, a lone civilian appeared in CNN Türk’s studio, and simply stated,: Special Forces and civilians have retaken control of the TV station.”


Turkish authorities have begun to retake many of the captured media centers studios, arresting rebel soldiers and confiscating weaponry. The hold of loyalists is most likely to be further tested as the rebels continue to demonstrate that their abilities are being grossly underreported.

CNN Türk, was launched in 1999 and is operated by local journalists in Turkey — they license the CNN name.

CNN Türk is now back on the air, and reporting for the loyalists.


About Buck Clay View All Posts

is an American. He served eleven years for God and Country with the illustrious Airborne Combat Engineers and dedicated four of those years traveling to wonderful faraway lands where he dug around in the dirt looking for bombs. After much soul searching, he decided to return to academia. There he obtained two additional university degrees, and he is now pursuing a fourth - because university


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