I bought my first Glock on a whim a few months ago.  As I’ve mentioned before, I spent a good long time carrying my 1911 and loving every bit of it, but after years of hearing about the Glock’s reliability and charm, I walked into my local gun shop and scooped up a Generation 3 G19 on sale, arguing to myself that I’d need to OWN one to really be able to put it through its paces and figure out if it lives up to its reputation.

Now that I’ve spent a few months rattling through different kinds of ammunition, I’ve come to my conclusion: Glocks are great, but they’re better if you make them your own.

Now, modifying your everyday carry pistol isn’t something you should take lightly.  Anything you do that could compromise the pistol’s ability to function reliably could mean certain death in a fight for your life, and as cool as some doodads look, if you’re not accustomed to using them, they just become extra weight when the going gets tough and you don’t have time to break out the instructions that came with your new laser sight.  That being said, there are a ton of awesome modifications you can make to most model Glocks – and perhaps more importantly for the shooter on a budget – you can do them without having to enlist the services of a gunsmith.

Remember, anytime you change the way your weapon fires, you’ll need to spend commensurate range time working out how to use those changes to improve your draw time, accuracy, or familiarity with the way the weapon now handles.

So without further ado, here are the first five modifications I recommend you make to your own Glock – in order of importance (as far as I’m concerned):

Aftermarket sights. Okay guys, I know Glock owners love their guns, but can we agree that the sights that come on the weapon are pretty crappy? I’m not insulting your sister, I’m just making an observation about the cheap hunks of plastic they stuck on the top of what genuinely is one great handling pistol.  It’s a weak point that needs to be addressed if, like me, you want to impact the paper exactly where you tell the gun to, instead of in the general vicinity.

The stock sights on my Glock 19 continuously impacted the target low and left, regardless of my efforts to adjust grip, trigger squeeze, and even switching from my usual modified Weaver stance in hopes a classic Isosceles one would straighten things out… to no avail.  Passing the pistol around to my buddies confirmed two things for me: one was that the sights were indeed low and left, and two, that even my friends that were disgusted at my switch to 9mm were pretty impressed with my new EDC.