The military is always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve, and 5G technology is the next big thing on their radar. 5G promises faster speeds, lower latency, and higher bandwidths than ever. This will allow warfighters to process information more quickly and make better decisions in the heat of battle.
Here, we will take a closer look at 5G in the military and explore how it can help keep our troops safe and victorious on the battlefield.

Military’s Need for Speed

A work crew prepares a 5G mobile test station for testing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, Feb. 25, 2022. The mobile test station was used during a series of 5G avionics tests as part of demonstration to implement 5G technologies without compromising the safety of military and civilian aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo by R. Nial Bradshaw)

The military has long been an early adopter of new technologies. From the telegraph to the internet, the military has always needed to be able to communicate quickly and efficiently. 5G will be no different. This new generation of wireless technology will allow the military to transmit large amounts of data at breakneck speeds. Additionally, 5G will have much lower latency than previous generations of wireless technology. This means there will be a shorter delay between when a signal is sent and when it is received. This is critical for military operations where every second counts.

So how will 5G help keep our troops safe? First, it will allow them to receive information more quickly. This could be anything from updated intelligence on enemy movements to real-time battlefield video footage.

The lower latency will mean that warfighters can communicate more rapidly and make decisions in a timely manner. This can also pave the way for the military to take advantage of new technologies such as augmented and virtual reality. This will give troops an immersive view of the battlefield and help them plan their operations more effectively.

Exploring 5G in the Military

In ancient times, military commanders used smoke signals and beacons to communicate over long distances. In the Middle Ages, military messengers were employed to relay messages between armies. Unfortunately, this system was often unreliable, as messenger pigeons could be intercepted or killed.
The invention of the telegraph in 1837 revolutionized military communications. For the first time, commanders could send instantaneous messages over long distances without fear of interception. As a result, the telegraph was particularly useful during the American Civil War when it coordinated military strategy between Union and Confederate forces.

During World War I, military radio became increasingly important for coordinating battlefield operations. The development of shortwave radio in the 1920s made it possible for militaries to communicate over long distances without relying on telegraph wires.

The military has always been on the cutting edge of technology. Military commanders used radio and telegraph in previous wars to communicate with their troops. This allowed them to coordinate attacks and give orders quickly. However, these technologies had their limitations. For example, the enemy could intercept radio waves and cut telegraph lines.

The 4G activities also supported the soldier domain initiatives of RDECOM’s Natick Soldier RD&E center, which is developing a user interface to portray information “in the most optimal way for the dismounted soldier.” (Source: DIVIDS)

Then, with the development of cell phone technology, military commanders now have a more secure way to communicate with their troops. Cell phones use encrypted signals that are difficult to intercept. Additionally, cell phone towers can be built in remote locations, making them more difficult for the enemy to target.
Cell phones have already proven themselves useful in modern warfare. In the Iraq War, soldiers used cell phones to call in air strikes. In the Afghanistan War, soldiers used cell phones to coordinate military operations.