Recent events in Libya have once again splashed into major headlines in the United States after the US consulate in Benghazi was over run and four Americans were killed. Among the dead were US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and two of America’s quiet professionals, Former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Ty Woods.

Glen was a SOFREP team member, our resident Naval Special Warfare editor. Brandon was very close with Glen and had this to say to ABC news about his friend and fellow SEAL, “Glen was a superb and respected operator, a true quiet professional. Don’t feel sorry for him, he wouldn’t have it. He died serving with men he respected, protecting the freedoms we enjoy as Americans and doing something he loved. He was my best friend and one of the finest human beings I’ve ever known.”

While we mourn the loss, Brandon is correct. These were hard men who died living the life that they chose. They wouldn’t want us to feel bad, and certainly would not want our pity.

I was fortunate enough to meet Glen at a book signing that he and I did with Brandon earlier in the year. Even just knowing him as an acquaintance, my impression of Glen was that he was the real deal. Glen was also an example of a quiet professional. There was a part of his life that was public as he co-wrote the 21st Century Sniper with Brandon, but there was also a part of his life that was very private which he never spoke about publicly. Glen’s SOFREP biography was partial, and that is how it will remain.

The vicious murder of four Americans and the over-running of the US consulate reeks of conspiracy, a deal gone wrong, a sudden shift in allegiances, or simply a coordinated attack perpetrated by unknown players.

Once again, American foreign policy decisions are revealed as being fundamentally irrational on a number of levels. While our Soldiers actively fight Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, the State Department and other agencies support them in places like Libya and Syria.

As American Matthew Van Dyke, who we interviewed here on SOFREP, has stated, it is a relative minority of Libyans who are religious extremists. I would extend this argument across the Middle East in some ways, however, it is a highly influential minority with a varying levels of public sympathy, the groups of sympathizers being fairly large in some areas.

As long as people in the Middle East live in poverty and under autocratic rule, there will always be an appeal to extremist doctrines when every other ideology has failed.