How about that internet, eh? This miraculous invention has expanded the scope of human knowledge like nothing in the history of the world. I can go from reading up on the cave paintings of Lascaux, to trying to read the 1000+ comments on my last article (!),  to watching youtube videos of guys getting hit in the balls instantly. I do so love the information age.

But this marvelous connectivity also has its drawbacks. Increasingly, we are seeing the rise of the Internet Justice Squad (IJS) to demand consequences for speech they find distasteful and beyond their acceptable boundaries for civil discourse.

By now, most of you have probably seen the story of Lindsey Stone floating around on the internet. But, for those of you who missed it, allow me fill you in.

During a trip to Arlington National Cemetery, young Lindsey thought it would be oh-so-hilarious to take a picture mocking the posted signs requesting an atmosphere of silence and respect. Keep in mind, she did nothing illegal, only very distasteful. She and her friend fancied themselves rebellious, often taking such irreverent photos like smoking next to a “no smoking” sign, and the like. In other words, the typical stupid shit that teens and young adults often do to wag their fingers at authority. Personally, if it was rebellion she was looking for, I would have been more impressed if she had held up some Mohammed cartoons in front of a mosque… in Pakistan.

But I digress. Miss Stone then proceeded to post the picture to her Facebook page, apparently in the belief that her idiot friends would agree with her lolz and marvel at her rebellious wit. However, as happens with these things, the picture spread faster than the clap through a whorehouse. (I refuse to use the term, “went viral.”)

Now, do not for one second misconstrue what I am saying. If I, or many veterans I know, had borne witness to this excrement, there would have instantly been a time-honored physical correction handed out to both Lindsay and her idiot friend who took the picture. Following that, as they lay quivering and sobbing on the ground, they would then be subjected to a torrent of withering verbal abuse the likes of which the world has never seen, complete with the knife hand a half inch from their faces.  Upon the conclusion of this hard, but necessary lesson, the young lasses would then continue on with their lives, chastened and shamed, now armed with the knowledge that honor and respect are things that many Americans take quite seriously.

Instead, what we have witnessed has become a far too common spectacle these days. There is no face-to-face admonishment; too many are afraid of any sort of interpersonal confrontation. Instead, the baying mob of the internet was unleashed, and the IJS sprang into action, demanding the scalps of the two young women, all for the crime of a bad joke.  An apology wasn’t enough, nay, this lynch mob was out for blood. Secure in their blind devotion to all things military, they not only named and shamed her publicly, they also demanded that she be terminated from her place of employment.

The mob’s wish has been granted. Lindsey was fired from her job, along with her co-worker who took the photo. So, they’ve succeeded in adding yet another person to the legion of former workers collecting unemployment and possibly food stamps. Is this enough justice for the masses? Or does the mob contact all of her future employers as well, demanding they refuse to hire her because of her mistake? It wasn’t enough to publicly shame her, and it wasn’t enough to have the albatross of a horrendous google search of her name hung around her neck. Not because she committed a crime, or physically hurt someone. This was all over a bad joke photo.