A while back a football coach named Robert Miller reached out to John Mann and myself to let us know he was using my book Among Heroes as a teaching tool for his players.

I was incredibly humbled to hear this, and even more so to get these hand written letters from him during the Holidays.

Thank you coach, and a sincere thanks to all the parents, and players for sending me these amazing letters.


Among Heroes Brandon Webb Navy SEAL Author

Hey Brandon,
Hope all is well.  I just wanted to pass something on to you quick.

My basketball coaching season is officially in full swing, but I recently had a chance to have a meeting with a core group of football players and a few parents this past week to wrap up our season and set the tone for next year.  As a part of the meeting we talked about the importance of being thankful for what we have and a couple of guys came up with writing to you.

I can’t say enough of how important Among Heroes was to our season and to the development of the players and “team” that we had.  I plan on using a different book each season for three years and then beginning the cycle again, undoubtedly we will be using Among Heroes again.

A good friend of mine is also going to use the book with his football team starting in January.  He has 25 players in a weight training class so one day a week will be devoted to reading and using the book to learn about life lessons and what it takes to be great, he is blessed with a booster club that bought a class set!

I’m sure that you’re on to new projects and works but I thought that it would be a good reminder that the book you wrote will continue to influence many in the years to come.  -Coach Miller

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To read the Among Heroes letters click here.

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