We think it’s important to include our SOF partners from around the world. The point of this section is to educate the public and honor these units in a positive way. If you notice we are missing something or want to send us a cool picture or video than please use the Comms Check portal to fire us off any information you want to share.
Australia’s SAS
Australia’s Special Operations Engineering Regiment
Canada’s Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)
Commandos Marine, France’s Naval Commandos
Denmark’s Fromandskorpset (Frogman Corps)
Great Britain’s SAS
Great Britain’s Special Boat Service
Germany’s Kommando Spezialkrafte (KSK)
Israel’s Sayeret Matkal
New Zealand’s SAS (NZAS)
Norway’s Forsvarets Spesialkommando
Polish GROM
Weapons & Gear Pics
I’ve personally served with the German KSK, Danish Frogman, Norwegian SOF, and Australian SAS while in Afghanistan. I can’t express how fortunate I was to serve with these units. I hope you enjoy the information provided and as always, if there’s anything you think we are missing or want to share with us, please send us a note via the Comms Check page.
Brandon Out.