Maybe they took my advice and finally just killed them?

WASHINGTON: The military judge in the Sept. 11 case abruptly canceled two weeks of pretrial hearings at Guantánamo that were scheduled to start on Tuesday following a secret notice from a Justice Department attorney.

Army Col. James. L. Pohl, the judge, issued the cancellation order Friday evening as attorneys, court staff, reporters and legal observers were gathering in Washington, D.C., for a charter flight to the remote base for the April 5-15 hearings.

Col. James. L. Pohl

“The whole thing is really odd to me. I thought it was an April Fools’ joke,” said Chicago defense attorney Cheryl Bormann, who was already in Washington to travel to Guantánamo this weekend to represent alleged 9/11 plot deputy Walid bin Attash.

Neither the order nor a notation of its existence was published on the military commissions website Saturday morning. Those who saw it said it was labeled AE416D. AE is short for Appellate Exhibit.

But attorneys who saw it said the judge cited a secret 3:29 p.m. filing Friday by a Justice Department investigator, U.S. Attorney Fernando Campoamor-Sánchez, AE292KKKKK. The Pentagon’s chief war court prosecutor, Army Brig. Gen. Mark Martins, appointed the Special Review Team led by Campoamor-Sánchez two years ago to keep the judge up to date on any FBI investigations of defense team activity in the national security case.

U.S. Attorney Fernando Campoamor-Sánchez

The entire case — accusing Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001 plot — is cloaked in secrecy because the five men spent years in clandestine CIA custody before they were brought to Guantánamo in 2006.

Very mysterious. I’m no lawyer, but my suspicions are raised immediately whenever President Obama sends out one of his hacks from his Stasi Justice Department to go have a word with a judge about an upcoming trial. What could possibly be in this elusive note? And I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what is going on. Not even the defendant’s lawyers seem to know: