Click here for a sneak peek of “American Commander: Serving a Country Worth Fighting for and Training the Brave Soldiers Who Lead the Way.” by Ryan Zinke, Congressman and former Navy SEAL. “American Commander” goes on sale November 29th but it can be pre-ordered today.

Ryan Zinke was a commander at the Navy’s elite SEAL Team Six, doing tours with ST6 from 1991-1994 and from 1996-1999. A 23-year veteran of the U.S. Navy SEALs, Zinke is a decorated officer and earned two Bronze Stars as the acting commander of Joint Special Forces in Iraq. Zinke trained and commanded many of the men who would one day run the covert operations to hunt down Osama Bin Laden and save Captain Phillips (Maersk Alabama). He also served as mentor to now-famous SEAL Chris Kyle (“American Sniper”).

In “American Commander,” Zinke shares what it takes to train and motivate the most celebrated group of warriors on earth and then send them into harm’s way. The book also covers Zinke’s experience in running for Montana’s sole seat in Congress. Zinke’s passion for his country shines as he conveys his vision to revitalize American exceptionalism.

“The world has been given a glimpse of the results when the men of the United States Navy SEAL teams (SEALs) are asked to protect this nation from its enemies—no matter how difficult or dangerous the task,” said McEwen. “‘Anything for God, family, and country’ is more than a saying to these men, it is their solemn oath. Now you will come to understand how they are forged to be this elite fighting force, and rise to its pinnacle known as SEAL Team Six. What we started with “American Sniper” has come full circle with the story of Ryan Zinke, the American commander.”

“We are honored to partner with Ryan Zinke on this book that is not only important but a true page-turner,” said Matt Baugher, senior vice president of Thomas Nelson and publisher of W Publishing Group. “We have all been moved by past stories of Navy SEALs and some of this country’s greatest warriors. To now have the perspective of one of the men who actually trained and commanded them is as inspiring as it is challenging. Congressman Zinke has much to say on the state of our country and the character traits that have always made America great.” SOFREP book announcement