While the North Korean military claims to be in the final stages of planning to fire four long-range ballistic missiles toward the U.S. territory of Guam, Chinese President Xi Jinping has relied on his nation’s consistent talking points regarding the issue: urging both nations to “avoid words or actions” that could serve to further escalate tensions.

“Concerned parties must exercise restraint and avoid remarks and actions that escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula,” China’s Foreign Ministry said in an official statement.

President Donald Trump earned the support of some and the ire of others when he chose to address North Korea directly in statements and Tweets that seemed closer in tone to North Korea’s method of issuing threats, using words like “fire and fury” to describe the kind of destruction the United States is prepared to subject the aggressive regime to.

“If he utters one threat … or if he does anything with respect to Guam or any place else that’s an American territory or an American ally, he will truly regret it, and he will regret it fast.” President Trump said while vacationing in his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf resort this week.

Despite this shift in tone, the President did make sure to emphasize that, although the U.S.’s military response is “locked and loaded,” war is still not his preferred option, saying “nobody loves a peaceful solution better than President Trump.”

On Friday, Trump spoke with China’s President Xi about the issue, and although many have accused China of doing too little in the effort to denuclearize their ally, North Korea, rhetoric coming from the White House regarding the economic powerhouse nation remains cordial.

“President Trump and President Xi agreed North Korea must stop its provocative and escalatory behavior,” the White House statement said, adding that the “relationship between the two presidents is an extremely close one, and will hopefully lead to a peaceful resolution of the North Korea problem.”

For the more than 160,000 residents of Guam, as well as the 7,000 U.S. troops stationed in Guam, the threat of nuclear destruction is, unfortunately, very real.  A U.S. Intelligence report recently confirmed that it is now believed Kim Jong Un possesses the capability to miniaturize nuclear devices sufficiently to be carried on ballistic missiles, and although the most recent North Korean ICBM test seemed to indicate a failure of the missile’s re-entry vehicle, Guam is well within the missile’s estimated range.