It’s not often that you hear your greatest ally bashing your money choices.

But that’s exactly what British Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials heard from US military officers.

“As the UK continues to diminish and as the Royal Marines, in particular, take a hit, I think that our view of what we will be able to do together in the future changes,” said Colonel Dan Sullivan on a recent visit to London.

Over the next decade, the British Armed Forces are facing a gap of around $40 billion to $50 billion.

As a result, MoD bookkeepers are pondering to slash the 6,640 strong Royal Marine Commandos by 1000 and sell two amphibious assault ships, HMS Bulwark and HMS Albion.

Moreover, the MoD is considering reducing the size of the British Army from 82,000 to 65,000.

Considering the F-35’s insane cost, there may be a reduction on the current order of 138 jets.

The US military, especially the USMC, fears what a potential shrinking of their Royal Marine counterparts will mean for their effectiveness.