Brussels—Two terrorists behind the 2015 Paris attacks will face justice at last.

Salah Abdeslam and his accomplice Sofiane Ayari will be transferred to the Belgian capital for their trial.  The trial will take place on December 18-21.

They face charges of attempted manslaughter in a terrorist context and illegal arms possession.

Abdeslam, who participated in the deadly November 2015 attacks in the French capital that left 130 people dead and hundreds more wounded, had evaded the French police and fled to his native Belgium.

But on March 15, 2016, he was found by the Belgian police after a bloody shootout that left six police officers wounded and Mohamed Belkaid, another of Abdeslam’s accomplices, dead.

Abdeslam was arrested three days later in Molenbeek, a Brussels district infamous for its radicalized hubs.

Heeding a request by the French Government, The 27-year-old Abdeslam had been extradited to France.  His trial now pertains to his activities within Belgium.  He still faces charges for the Paris attacks.  More specifically, he is charged with providing logistical support to the terrorists that went on to attack six different locations within the French capital, including the Bataclan theatre.