Expert Analysis

Big Phil looks at post-EU British security and how Brexit affects it

The country remains divided and the debate still continues as the U.K. prepares to quit the EU. Nothing has been straightforward and every issue that was there before Brexit remains. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating, and it is far too early to say if it has been a good idea or not. The ever-present threat to our shores is, as I write this piece, described as “severe” by the prime minister herself. This does not look as though it’s likely to calm down anywhere in the near future. In fact, as the war in Mosul is looking close to completion, there are only more people fleeing across the globe and trying to set up camp in the U.K. People who have no regard for whether or not we govern our own borders or not. These people will only be happy once a black flag flies over the whole world, and until then, will continue to cause problems. They have made clear their intent and continue to engage war via the internet using homegrown U.K.-born talent radicalized online.

Overseas, we continue to show a presence in all the old fleshpots. We have troops all over the Middle East and the Balkans, and even the Falklands is never far from trouble if the Argie press is to be believed. As if this was not enough, there have also been recent deployments in Africa and, just recently, Eastern Europe. Even Northern Ireland, in my opinion, is not completely out of the woods yet. Our security services are pushed full tilt as always, and our armed forces are all over the globe. Our special forces nowadays are almost perpetually on deployment. Fortunately, our place amongst the elite forces in the world will never be in question. Our knowledge and experience in all forms of combat are revered the globe over. Our standing within NATO, the U.N., and all the other world policing organizations is strong, and the fact we are poised to go it alone will not affect our capability. In fact, some may argue it will strengthen our position.

Eyebrows across Europe were raised at the result of the Brexit vote, as too in many other countries across the world. Some were staunchly opposed to our actions, but a few actually looked on in admiration, even wishing their own establishments would follow suit. It’s a brave move, but I believe fortune favours the brave. We were not happy with the way Europe broke down our ability to run our own affairs. Although the money men and the financial people are still licking their wounds, and even in some cases kicking against the change, the security services must be pleased to have the shackles of Brussels shaken off. We need to be able to control our own affairs when it comes to security. There are some things best kept to yourself. We can now choose which areas of conflict actually affect us enough to want to do something about it. We are no longer beholden to long-winded councils whose interests are not always in line with what we want.

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The country remains divided and the debate still continues as the U.K. prepares to quit the EU. Nothing has been straightforward and every issue that was there before Brexit remains. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating, and it is far too early to say if it has been a good idea or not. The ever-present threat to our shores is, as I write this piece, described as “severe” by the prime minister herself. This does not look as though it’s likely to calm down anywhere in the near future. In fact, as the war in Mosul is looking close to completion, there are only more people fleeing across the globe and trying to set up camp in the U.K. People who have no regard for whether or not we govern our own borders or not. These people will only be happy once a black flag flies over the whole world, and until then, will continue to cause problems. They have made clear their intent and continue to engage war via the internet using homegrown U.K.-born talent radicalized online.

Overseas, we continue to show a presence in all the old fleshpots. We have troops all over the Middle East and the Balkans, and even the Falklands is never far from trouble if the Argie press is to be believed. As if this was not enough, there have also been recent deployments in Africa and, just recently, Eastern Europe. Even Northern Ireland, in my opinion, is not completely out of the woods yet. Our security services are pushed full tilt as always, and our armed forces are all over the globe. Our special forces nowadays are almost perpetually on deployment. Fortunately, our place amongst the elite forces in the world will never be in question. Our knowledge and experience in all forms of combat are revered the globe over. Our standing within NATO, the U.N., and all the other world policing organizations is strong, and the fact we are poised to go it alone will not affect our capability. In fact, some may argue it will strengthen our position.

Eyebrows across Europe were raised at the result of the Brexit vote, as too in many other countries across the world. Some were staunchly opposed to our actions, but a few actually looked on in admiration, even wishing their own establishments would follow suit. It’s a brave move, but I believe fortune favours the brave. We were not happy with the way Europe broke down our ability to run our own affairs. Although the money men and the financial people are still licking their wounds, and even in some cases kicking against the change, the security services must be pleased to have the shackles of Brussels shaken off. We need to be able to control our own affairs when it comes to security. There are some things best kept to yourself. We can now choose which areas of conflict actually affect us enough to want to do something about it. We are no longer beholden to long-winded councils whose interests are not always in line with what we want.

On the issue of our own borders and who comes and who goes, once the dust has settled, it will be our responsibility. It’s not something that will dramatically change overnight or will have people being dragged from their beds and thrown on waiting ships to get rid of them. There will be no wall built around our shores and no guard turrets to ward off potential invaders. We will just have our own say on who comes, who goes, and who stays. That’s a country’s basic right, in my opinion. Nobody is saying we will cease to give refuge to those who need it, and no one in fear of their life through combat should ever feel they can’t get refuge until their own place is safe. We should, however, have a complete say in what qualifies you for a place within our system. If Eastern Europe is falling apart due to decisions that were their own fault, or a country is collapsing and the people who lost the fight, such as these IS deserters, are striving to get into our overcrowded island, we as a country should be able to say enough is enough and close the gates when we choose—not when we are told.

We are in a position where, on some occasions, we need our allies in Europe, but sometimes I truly believe we should support our friends from across the Atlantic and side with their decisions well before the EU even wakes up to some issues. We may only be a small child on the playground, but we pack a huge punch, and we need to decide with whom we want to play and shouldn’t be bullied into doing things we don’t want to do. In recent struggles, the EU has been slow to show up, if they show up at all, in some cases. We are now free from this bureaucracy and can make our own choices. If anything, it is their loss, not ours. We can now decide what and how much we share with them.

In the immediate future, I see very little changing by way of Brexit. The threats to our security remain the same, and we are not letting anything go by being our own masters. The EU still needs our input and we have plenty to bargain with, so we remain strong. The marketplaces didn’t collapse overnight as predicted, and there was not a mass exodus of business. Sure, a few left, but now we can let others replace them. We are no weaker in the market than when we went to the polls. The same applies to our security. We control our own destiny, and we have a well-established platform from which to conduct our business. In the long-term, I would predict we become stronger still as we recoup our own autonomy. Without the EU weighing us down, we can move forward a lot more quickly. As I said before, time will tell. One thing is for sure: We have made our decision and now we need everyone to stand behind it. Our next hurdle is likely to be another referendum. No matter what is thrown at us Brits, we will deal with it because that’s what we do.

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About Phil Campion View All Posts

Phil Campion is a veteran of military operations in just about every conflict-prone corner of the world. He served with the Royal Hampshires, passed through Commando and Parachute Regiment selection, before being badged with 22 SAS. He left the British Army in his early thirties, with the rank of Staff Sergeant, and started working on the private military circuit. He lives in Southampton with his


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