For as long as I can remember, even before the military, no one really had any idea that the term of EVERYDAY CARRY actually applied to what they had in their pockets, purses, briefcase, backpack, car, etc. Since then, EDC has become more prevalent and understood as a basic needs kit or survival gear, depending on what you happen to be doing.
The basic desk jockey that does the 9-5 job, probably has this type of day: wake up, morning routine, travel to work, work-lunch-work (maybe dinner & work), travel home, evening routine….repeat. They usually only carry the basics, such as wallet, cell phone, countries currency, and car/house/work keys.
The extreme Armageddon type are usually prepared for everything and then some. examples would things like: keys, wallet, currency, cell phone, led “blind you/ hurt you” flash light, 2 or 3 different situational dependent knifes, survival kit, freeze dried food packs, case of water, camel back or other type of 3 day pack, assault vest with body armor and plates to stop large caliber bullets, two pistols (concealed carry/ operational carry), two rifles (short and long range), sufficient amount of magazines loaded with ammunition to stop even the most drugged-up individual (shooter preference), blowout kit (s), weapon for passenger in the event that one shooter is not enough to control or finish the problem, etc.
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For as long as I can remember, even before the military, no one really had any idea that the term of EVERYDAY CARRY actually applied to what they had in their pockets, purses, briefcase, backpack, car, etc. Since then, EDC has become more prevalent and understood as a basic needs kit or survival gear, depending on what you happen to be doing.
The basic desk jockey that does the 9-5 job, probably has this type of day: wake up, morning routine, travel to work, work-lunch-work (maybe dinner & work), travel home, evening routine….repeat. They usually only carry the basics, such as wallet, cell phone, countries currency, and car/house/work keys.
The extreme Armageddon type are usually prepared for everything and then some. examples would things like: keys, wallet, currency, cell phone, led “blind you/ hurt you” flash light, 2 or 3 different situational dependent knifes, survival kit, freeze dried food packs, case of water, camel back or other type of 3 day pack, assault vest with body armor and plates to stop large caliber bullets, two pistols (concealed carry/ operational carry), two rifles (short and long range), sufficient amount of magazines loaded with ammunition to stop even the most drugged-up individual (shooter preference), blowout kit (s), weapon for passenger in the event that one shooter is not enough to control or finish the problem, etc.
Shooters will argue till the end of time which ammo is the best ammo to use in a hand gun and rifle. I am not going to get all scientific on you, but will give you my biased opinion on what I think is “efficient” in stopping/eliminating the threat.
Currently I use Hornady 9mm ammunition for my Sig Sauer P226 Elite, but most likely will be switching over to TEAM NEVER QUIT 9mm 115 grain, after watch the video and seeing the damage that it inflicts in a gell block!
As for rifle ammunition, I have been using the standard .223 ball ammo that you can get from any dealer. There are a lot of different types of 223 ammo out there and is entirely up to the shooter as to what kind of damage or stopping power that they want.
My personal everyday Carry all depends on what I am doing, but normally does not go much farther then my pistol and 4 extra magazines that are loaded and ready.
For the normal routine, I usually have the following that is either on my body or in my truck:
If I am doing something that is beyond everyday then I will probably tack on my rifle with 6-9 loaded magazines, extra food and water, tourniquet and my survival kit. My survival kit usually has stuff like emergency matches, Silva Ranger Compass, area topography map, 550 cord, road flares if I have to start a fire in the rain, shelter material, water resupply system, way to get food if mine runs out.
Kyle Defoor of Defoor Proformace Shooting explains it best in the below video and will take me much less time to explain in words. Kyle explains in detail the concepts and things to look for and be aware of when considering some of the more important pieces of equipment when dealing with the personal protection of yourself, family, friends and innocent bystanders where it involves a high threat situation. The name of the video is called “Every Day Carry Gear with Kyle Defoor of Defoor Proformance” (Courtesy of Trigger Time TV).
So, when it comes right down to it, there is a lot to think about when you are putting together you very own EDC loadout. The most important things to remember is: know your systems and equipment through training (both professional and personal), familiarization and muscle memory. Always check your systems through maintenance, repair and upgrades to ensure that they are ready at all times. There is nothing worse then getting into an altercation and you have not ensured that the status of your equipment is 100% operational and ready for use. You may have to carry multiple accessories just for one day, depending on the various environments/situations you may have yourself in.
This article was originally published on the Loadout Room and written by Dirtfrog
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