
Watch: Executive protection tools of the trade

Watch as the owner of ZERT who is a licensed executive protection agent, goes over his loadout when on a detail. Not only is the gear he covers for an executive protection detail, but it can also be modified to be used to protect your family. With all the threats we face in society today we need to be the executive protection agents for our family. Whether you’re just out at the grocery store or on a family vacation, you need to be prepared to react in the event there is a situation. Now is a good time to take inventory of your gear and to formulate a plan of how to react; not when shit hits the fan. Take a look at the following videos and formulate your plan today.

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Watch as the owner of ZERT who is a licensed executive protection agent, goes over his loadout when on a detail. Not only is the gear he covers for an executive protection detail, but it can also be modified to be used to protect your family. With all the threats we face in society today we need to be the executive protection agents for our family. Whether you’re just out at the grocery store or on a family vacation, you need to be prepared to react in the event there is a situation. Now is a good time to take inventory of your gear and to formulate a plan of how to react; not when shit hits the fan. Take a look at the following videos and formulate your plan today.

This article is courtesy of Scott Witner from The Loadout Room.

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The SOFREP News Team is a collective of professional military journalists. Brandon Tyler Webb is the SOFREP News Team's Editor-in-Chief. Guy D. McCardle is the SOFREP News Team's Managing Editor. Brandon and Guy both manage the SOFREP News Team.


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