“Preacher’s Holiday (Christmas) Gift Idea Guide 2017” offers a quick look at some Firearm/EDC/Outdoor themed gear that I carry on a daily basis. This “top ten” list is not so much a list of my favorite things, but a list of some categories of items you may find helpful in selecting the perfect gift for your special someone this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year from all of us at the Tactical Preacher channel!
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“Preacher’s Holiday (Christmas) Gift Idea Guide 2017” offers a quick look at some Firearm/EDC/Outdoor themed gear that I carry on a daily basis. This “top ten” list is not so much a list of my favorite things, but a list of some categories of items you may find helpful in selecting the perfect gift for your special someone this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year from all of us at the Tactical Preacher channel!
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