Get this – a classified lab nestled in Chengdu, China, recently hosted a simulation that peeled back the curtain on China’s budding expertise in space-based electronic warfare (EW).

The scenario? A Chinese military operation unleashed a barrage of hypersonic anti-ship missiles, backed by a space-based electromagnetic weapon system, zeroing in on a US aircraft carrier strike group.

Executed by minds tied to the Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control Laboratory, this simulation doesn’t just entertain; it uncovers China’s strides in space tech and what it could mean for future showdowns.

Undetected Missile Launch and Cosmic Electromagnetic Weapon System

In this make-believe world, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) reportedly pulled off a slick hypersonic anti-ship missile launch from a distant 1,200 km away.

These missiles soared to an altitude of 200 kilometers (124 miles), ready to dance on the decks of US warships.

The game-changer? China’s space-based electromagnetic weapon system.

Operating with a “top-down” finesse, this system silenced the radars on escort ships, muffling their ability to spot incoming missiles until a mere 10 minutes post-launch when the threat was just 50 kilometers (31 miles) away.