You can read part one here.

“From time to time, there is a requirement for men and women to volunteer to undertake special duties of a hazardous nature in Northern Ireland. Selection and training for the special duties is both rigorous and arduous. For further details, see defense council instructions…”

Divine words for anyone stranded in a Cold War base and bored with military routine.

Knocking at the unit’s intel officer’s door came next.  He, of course, discouraged ‘good’ men from throwing away their careers and encouraged ‘troublemakers’ so he’d get rid of them.

A few days later, a mysterious bunch in civvies visited those still interested.  An interview and PT and IQ tests followed.  Candidates had to show intelligence, initiative, independent thinking, technical trainability, and mental stamina. Superb physical condition was a bonus, but not a prerequisite.

Candidates with unique features, such as scars, birthmarks, and excessive tattoos, were declined outright.  Being unmarried and looking unmilitary helped.

For those concealing potential, a trip to a derelict WWII camp somewhere in the English countryside known as Camp One came next. Eight weeks of punishing and abnormal activities followed. (Women, initially, went through a different Camp One but this, despite ‘fraternization’ concerns, changed to make courses more realistic.)

Selection courses aimed to be as uncomfortable as possible—most occurred in the winter.