In light of the recent Green-on-Blue attack in Nangarhar Province Afghanistan which claimed the lives of two Special Forces members and wounded several more, it may surprise you to know that both the President and the Democrats seeking their party’s nomination in the upcoming November elections all seem to be in rhetorical agreement.

The U.S. should leave Afghanistan after a negotiated peace (or one that looks like one) has been attained.

Since politics tends to be engaged on the differences between candidates and parties, this rare agreement between Republicans and Democrats may have something to do with the fact that the mainstream media gives it very little coverage.

President Trump

At his recent State of the Union Address, the President restated his previous position that the war in Afghanistan has gone on too long saying, “Great nations do not fight endless wars.” He went on to describe the basic approach and goals his administration hopes to attain: “In Afghanistan, my administration is holding constructive talks with a number of Afghan groups, including the Taliban. As we make progress in these negotiations, we will be able to reduce our troop’s presence and focus on counterterrorism. And we will indeed focus on counterterrorism.”

This continued focus on counterterrorism is visible in this administration’s pivot towards the threat posed by Iran in Syria and the Gulf region.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Surprisingly, the Biden campaign website does not specifically address what his plans for Afghanistan would be, but we do have previous statements that can be evaluated: In a recent dump of thousands of internal government documents dubbed the “Afghanistan Papers,” which were sought after and released by the Washington Post last year, former VP Biden was also seen as advocating a drawdown of U.S. troops and a focus on counterterrorism instead.