Fort Bragg yesterday published new guidance for the military including its policy on masks. And it appears the military is way more concerned with its force looking uniform than with truly keeping its soldiers safe.

I’m not going out to search for special colored fabrics. My husband will be going in with whatever colored pillowcase we already have,” one spouse jokingly stated.

“It’s really sad when you don’t see common sense being applied to these policies. By the time DoD put out face mask guidance, you were lucky to find anything anywhere, let alone [considering] the specific limitations… I wish leadership would take another look at what they are doing here…” another spouse chimed in.

U.S. Army.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) doesn’t recommend that the overall public wear N95 respirators to guard themselves against respiratory diseases, including coronavirus (COVID-19). N95s are in critical supply and have to be reserved for health care and medical workers and first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.

So what we are saying is that because supplies are low that we do not want our troops to wear N95s?

How about everyone be honest and say that due to the shortage, it’s best to save lots of these resources for those presumed to be exposed, like medical workers? No, the Army has decided and made N95s unauthorized instead.