The new Army recruiting ad, featuring the now famous (infamous?) CPL Emma Malonelord has received a lot of negative attention thanks to many conservative politicians and talk-show hosts. But this is far from the worst recruiting ad for the Army. 

So let us take a walk back through the Army’s recruiting ads and take a look at the highs and lows of each era starting from the most recent to the days of Uncle Sam and beyond. 

What’s Your Warrior: Present

Army Recruiting Has Come a Long Way From Uncle Sam: The Best and Worst
An image from one of the ads that triggered so many people during the Army’s new recruiting campaign.

The newest Army recruiting campaign has lots of good stuff. But I hate anime, and that was a nose-wrinkler for moi right off the bat. The Army is shooting for greater diversity, so the newest recruiting ads have soldiers and officers from several different races. That was no doubt the goal there and it hits the mark. 

The job quiz, career match, and the listing of critical-need jobs for the service are excellent. The webpage was well put together with sections on benefits and either full or part-time service in the Reserves or Guard. For the first time in my memory, the Army is advertising for Army Civilian careers which is definitely something new. 

But I can’t get past the anime. (My son is a huge fan of Japanese anime. So, when I told him what I was writing about, he told me to check out his latest favorite anime. I can’t imagine where he gets that smartassery from?) 

For the record, I could care less about which soldiers have two moms or two dads. That goes right out the window once the rubber hits the road. Is the man/woman next to you reliable and will they be there for the team? That’s what matters.

Nevertheless, this Army recruiting campaign didn’t resonate with viewers and the Army disabled comments on it…. ouch. However, overall, it wasn’t bad. 

Army Strong: 2006-2018 

This one replaced the absolutely worst recruiting campaign ever. So, whatever the Army came up with was bound to be an improvement. However, this was more than that. They simplified the message, promoting Army values and teamwork over individuality and showed a bunch of cool-looking vignettes of soldiers doing cool stuff.