London, UK—The British intelligence agencies are once again in the limelight for the wrong reasons.

MI5, MI6, and GCHQ are accused of stealing private data from the Privacy International rights charity.

Only a week ago, the GCHQ had been targeted by the European Court of Human Rights for a breach of human rights over a mass surveillance operation. The British intelligence services have admitted that they illegally gathered data about the UK-based charity. Previously, the intelligence services had denied that their Bulk Communications Data (BCD) and Bulk Personal Dataset (BPD) surveillance operations targeted any company or individual who was not suspected of illegal activities.

In response to the intrusion, Privacy International stated that “The UK intelligence agencies’ bulk collection of communications data and personal data have been shown to be as vast we have always imagined—it sweeps in almost everyone, including human rights organisations like Privacy International.”

Caroline Wilson-Palow, the charity’s Chief Counsel, added that “We do not know why MI5 reviewed Privacy International’s data, but the fact that it happened at all should raise serious questions for all of us. Should a domestic intelligence agency charged with protecting national security be spying on a human rights organisation based in London?”

The MI5 was established in the early 20th century in response to German espionage. Today, its role is to ensure the U.K.’s national security. It has been the lead agency in the fight against Islamic militant terrorism.

The MI6 is the foreign espionage agency—think of James Bond. It’s mostly concerned with overseas operations.

The GCHQ is responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) to and securing the communications of the British government and Armed Forces.