After thoroughly enjoying SOFREP writer Alex Hollings’ ongoing series “Old Man Fitness” he made me realize that there may be interest among SOFREP readers in having a workout space like the one Alex and I use in our garages.

My home gym is a special place for me, and has been for many years. It doesn’t require a membership, I get to play over-the-top aggressive metal as loud as I want, and I get to slam as much weight as I damn well please without being judged or accused of being a Crossfitter.

As I’ve accrued strength gains over the years, I’ve run into the problem of just how much damage that weight flying around can cause to the floor of my garage. Despite the layer of rubber matting I’ve faithfully used for years, dropping a loaded 500-pound barbell will take a toll on any surface. So after doing some consulting with a number of much stronger men, I put together a simple, good-looking lifting platform that will withstand all sorts of abuse for about $165.

This will make a lifting platform that is 6 feet long and 8 feet wide. My lifting space is a little confined but this gets the job done. Materials are as follows (you can just as easily make an 8′ by 8′ platform here if you have the space for it, you would just need more rubber matting to account for the additional space, and obviously not need to cut the 4’x8′ pieces of wood you get from the store):

(2) 3’ x 8’ OSB/plywood boards, 5/8”-thick

(2) 4’ x 6’ OSB/plywood boards, 5/8”-thick

(1) 4’ x 6’ smooth pine, oak, or maple plywood 3/4″-thick

(1) 4’ x 6’ rubber horse stall mat 3/4”-thick