The Center for Disease Control has announced a public health workshop set for later this month with the goal of preparing healthcare professionals for the possibility of a nuclear strike within the United States.

Join us for this session of Grand Rounds to learn what public health programs have done on a federal, state, and local level to prepare for a nuclear detonation,” urged a CDC email sent out to the agency’s mailing lists on Friday. “Learn how planning and preparation efforts for a nuclear detonation are similar and different from other emergency response planning efforts.”

Throughout years of progressive escalation in North Korea’s weapons programs and rhetoric, Kim Jong Un has continuously used the ability to execute a nuclear strike on the Eastern seaboard of the United States as his yard stick for success.  In fact, after the November test of Kim’s most powerful ICBM platform to date, the Hwasong-15, Kim’s regime released images of North Korean officials celebrating all over the nation, declaring their endeavor a success based only on the fact that the platform seemed to demonstrate the ability to cover the thousands of miles between North Korean territory and the American capital in Washington D.C.

Kim Jong Un inspects a Hwasong-15 ICBM.

Kim isn’t the only leader that has made a habit of using the United States as a nuclear measuring stick. In 2016, Russia unveiled their latest and most powerful ICBM, the aptly named Satan II. In their announcement of the 100 ton, nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missile, Russian officials described its destructive capability by using the state of Texas as the unit of measurement. According to Russia, a single Satan II is capable of laying waste to the entire state.

With constant threats of nuclear first strikes being levied by Kim’s North Korean regime, and rapidly advancing nuclear missile platforms being fielded by both Russia and another Pacific competitor, China, the CDC clearly seems to believe the time is right for a resurgence in Cold War-like nuclear preparations.

While a nuclear detonation is unlikely, it would have devastating results and there would be limited time to take critical protection steps. Despite the fear surrounding such an event, planning and preparation can lessen deaths and illness.” The CDC explains on the website describing the workshop.

“For instance, most people don’t realize that sheltering in place for at least 24 hours is crucial to saving lives and reducing exposure to radiation. While federal, state, and local agencies will lead the immediate response efforts, public health will play a key role in responding.”

The CDC holds these types of workshops on a nearly monthly basis, and although CDC has stated that their decision to hold this workshop isn’t related to North Korean tensions, the fact that this is the first workshop related to a nuclear response since 2010 is telling.  A nuclear strike on the United States may indeed be unlikely, but it would seem the CDC wants to be prepared… just in case.