Do you know what the most wonderful thing that could possibly happen in this election, and every other time someone says something in the media? Don’t take it personally; well that is of course unless you have a guilty conscience.

The Donald is right, although, it was probably not the best time to say that. He should also shut his fat draft-dodging mouth on sensitive matters of defense, at least until he may or may not pull off this national travesty called, the 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Albeit, here we are in 2016 with a population of adults who react like everything is always about them. Snippets and buzzwords are conveniently given new context. A practice of the media and the individual to show the world that everything is about you – you’re appalled, offended, shocked. What a sad state of affairs we’re in; as the primary concern of the public is to attend to the feelings of adults who act out like toddlers. No dialogue, just freaking out.

Yet, a uniform is not a cloak of infallible morality and the system is rotten The Pentagon lost $34 Million in Afghanistan funding and stated, “No one should be punished.” If I’m ever in the Pentagon – I’ll be checking all the couch cushions.

Too many troops did steal money . . . There have been scores of uniformed fraud cases throughout the war. Although, my fellow veterans get just as – if not more butt-hurt, “triggered” than most folks these days . . . Especially the pandering box-of-tools who are in a paid coalition to stage support in the dirty tricks Hillary Clinton campaign – disgraceful, paraded, mouth-pieces.

Just because you put on a uniform, it doesn’t make you disabled, honest, or a hero. If you wore a uniform, you know that statement to be true.

Personally, I find it a foolish practice to simply put faith and trust in anyone who happens to be in uniform and especially with the government. I’m not citing that in some whack-a-doo conspiracy line. I’m standing by for that statement to also be taken completely out of context. Even so, dishonest people are clearly within the government and the military – they are rarely held accountable for their actions.