The United States government including Attorney General William Barr and President Trump have been after Apple to help with the unlocking of Pensacola shooter’s iPhones. AG Barr has asserted that the tech giant hasn’t given law enforcement “substantive assistance” in the investigation. 

“We have asked Apple for their help in unlocking the shooter’s phones,” Barr said at a press conference. “So far, Apple has not given any substantive assistance. This situation perfectly illustrates why it is critical that the public be able to get access to digital evidence once it [has] obtained a court order based on probable cause.”

The president, despite his good relationship with Apple CEO Tim Cook, ripped into the company on Twitter, saying the government needs help with cracking encrypted iPhones used by “killers, drug dealers, and other violent criminal elements.” 

Trump took to Twitter and said, “We are helping Apple all of the time on TRADE and so many other issues… They will have to step up to the plate and help our great Country, NOW! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

Saudi Air Force 2nd Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, was in Pensacola for flight training, when he shot to death three Americans at Pensacola Naval Air Station on December 6. The 21-year-old gunman was then shot and killed by a deputy sheriff during the attack, which U.S. officials called an act of terrorism.

The government wants to see who the shooter was communicating with on his two iPhones. They want to see what sites he was visiting on the internet, but have been frustrated as both of his phones were encrypted. 

However, Apple has pushed back against the government, denying it hasn’t provided assistance. “We reject the characterization that Apple has not provided substantive assistance in the Pensacola investigation. Our responses to their many requests since the attack have been timely, thorough and are ongoing,” Apple said in a statement last week. 

In the statement by Apple, the company said that they “produced a wide variety of information associated with the investigation” immediately after the FBI’s initial request on December 6. They sent the Bureau “gigabytes of information” including “iCloud backups, account information and transactional data for multiple accounts” as the investigation’s scope increased later in the month.