Three years after militants from the Islamic State captured nearly a third of the nation, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has declared final victory over ISIS in a televised address to his nation on Saturday.

Haider al-Abadi’s speech comes two days after Russia announced victory over the same terrorist organization in Syria, where their military has been fighting in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

According to the Iraqi Prime Minister, the final remaining portions of Iraqi territory that remained under ISIS control have been liberated from “ISIS terrorist gangs,” securing the Iraq-Syria border and removing the group’s hold on the country.

“Honorable Iraqis: your land has been completely liberated. The dream of liberation is now a reality,” Abadi said. “We have accomplished a very difficult mission. Our heroes have reached the final strongholds of Daesh and purified it. The Iraqi flag flies high today over all Iraqi lands.”

Daesh is an Arabic acronym that ISIS is also known by around the world.

“ISIS dream has come to an end,” he added. “We must remove all its effects and should not allow terrorism to return again. Despite announcing final victory, we must remain vigilant and prepared against any terrorist attempt on our country, for terrorism is an eternal enemy.”

Abadi went on to declare December 10 to be a national holiday, to be celebrated in honor of the government forces and militias that brought about victory over the oppressive extremist regime.

US Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, Brett McGurk, also issued a statement congratulating the nation of Iraq on its victory over the Islamic State.