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These days, the lifespan of a newly appointed head of a radical Islamic terrorist group can be measured in months.

Way back in August of this year, I wrote about al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and how he was killed in a US drone strike in Kabul while sitting on the balcony of his home sipping a cup of coffee. The R9X variant of a Hellfire missile chopped him to bits to the point there was nobody left.

House where al-Zawahri died
A man points to the Kabul home where al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was supposedly killed. It is less than 1000 feet away from the UK embassy. Image Credit: cnn.com via Twitter

According to sources at The Washington Post, yesterday, a spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reported on Telegram in a recorded audio statement that their leader was killed recently. The information said Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (shown below) was killed in battle. No further details were offered. He had commanded the jihadist group for a little over nine months. His successor is Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi. Yes, I know the names are pretty similar. “Qurashi” is a tribe of the Prophet Mohammed. All ISIS leaders must prove that they have descended from this group; “al-Qurashi” is part of their nom de guerre or “war name.”

USCENTCOM, in their press release announcing the death of the terrorist group leader, was highly tight-lipped as well. Below, in one screenshot, is the entirety of that release.

USCENTCOM press release
Screenshot from USCENTCOM

Central Command spokesman Col. Joe Buccino noted that The Free Syrian Army carried out the operation that killed al-Qurashi in Daraa province in mid-October, but that’s it. In recent months ISIS has seemingly been trying to rebuild and has carried out attacks in Iraq and Syria.