According to a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report, Israel has targeted about a dozen oil tankers departing from Iran to Syria since 2019. These attacks have been supposedly out of concern that Iranian oil profits are being used to fund more terrorism in the Middle East.

The WSJ piece said that the Israelis are using weapons including “water mines” to target Iranian shipping en route to Syria in the Red Sea and other places.

It is known that the Iranians have continued their oil trade by shipping millions of barrels of oil to Syria therefore, circumventing the sanctions placed by Washington and the United Nations. They are also sending weapons through Syria and arming their proxies. 

Notably, the WSJ report cited “U.S. and other regional officials” as its sources.

Further, the timing of the report’s release is interesting as many of the alleged attacks on Iranian shipping have not been made public.

Israel hasn’t commented on these and many other incidents involving attacks on Iranian presence in the Gulf. 

The piece gives the impression that Iran’s attacks against Israeli shipping have been in retaliation for similar Israeli attacks and thus that Iran has not been the aggressor.

Just recently the Iranians allegedly attacked the Israeli-owned MV Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged cargo ship, in the Gulf of Oman. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed the Iranians who denied any involvement in the incident.