After a second military coup in Mali in less than a year, Colonel Assimi Goita, who seized power again this past week, told the news media that a new prime minister will be appointed within the next few days. 

The political chaos in the arid, violence-plagued country has Mali’s allies, who are there to help, questioning the coup leaders’ motives and the country’s direction. 

Mali’s Military Seeks Broader Support by Aligning With the Opposition

“In the coming days, the prime minister who will be appointed will carry out a broad consultation between the different factions,” Goita said in a press conference on Friday.

Goita will seek a broader support base by choosing a prime minister from the opposition M5 movement, a once-powerful group which the military shunted aside after August’s coup.

“Either we accept joining hands to save our country, or we wage clandestine wars and we will all fail,” Goita added.

Colonel Goita and former President Bah Ndaw
Former President Bah Ndaw was arrested on Monday by the military ruling junta and forced to resign on Wednesday before being released.

The M5 movement had spearheaded the protests against President Keita, but was left out of the power-sharing by the ruling junta.

M5’s spokesman, Jeamille Bittar, released a statement saying that the movement would nominate Choguel Maiga as prime minister.

Colonel Goita’s Coup Within a Coup

Goita led the coup last August against President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita amid protests against perceived corruption and the government’s failure to quell armed insurgent groups some of which aligned with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. But faced with the threat of regional sanctions, Goita and other coup leaders agreed to hand over power to a transitional government that would steer the country back to civilian rule.