In the intricate tapestry of modern geopolitics, where the threads of history and strategy intertwine, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s proposed limitations on Israel’s Supreme Court echo ominously with the shadows of past authoritarian regimes.

Netanyahu’s move is not just a political maneuver; it’s a seismic shift in the balance of power, reminiscent of a playbook used by authoritarian leaders throughout history. When we ironically recall Hitler‘s rise to power, it wasn’t marked by a single, dramatic overthrow but by a series of calculated steps that gradually eroded democratic institutions and checks and balances. Similarly, Netanyahu’s proposed restrictions on the Supreme Court represent a chipping away at the bedrock of Israeli democracy, potentially allowing for unchecked executive power.

The essence of democracy lies in its systems of checks and balances. It’s why America thrives as an imperfect democracy. There are many hurdles to getting laws passed or changed in the US. The House, Senate, and President, along with our own Supreme Court, all have a say.

Israel has just one body to balance political power, and that is their Supreme Court.

If Netanyahu were to remove the Supreme Court’s oversight, his party would have complete power with no balance of power.

The judiciary’s independence is a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority and the whims of the powerful. By undermining this,  risks steering Israel away from its democratic principles, echoing the early stages of totalitarian regimes.

For Americans reading, this is why many career military in Israel, including fighter pilots, have threatened to stop working in protest of Netanyahu‘s proposed consolidation of power.

Nearly all of the 40 reservist pilots from the 69th Squadron have refused to join a one-day training exercise this week. It is seen as an unparalleled political move by some of Israel’s most strategically important reservists. It is also a sign of growing opposition to the ruling nationalist coalition’s plans to overhaul the legal system.