Thanks but no thanks, is the message the Mexican government is sending to the Trump administration after Washington vowed to designate the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations and offered to send the military across the border to help defeat them.

In a radio interview with Bill O’Reilly, President Trump was asked if he was going to designate the cartels as terror groups and hit them with drones. “I don’t want to say what I’m going to do, but they will be designated,” Trump said.

“I have been working on that for the last 90 days. You know, designation is not that easy, you have to go through a process, and we are well into that process,” the president added.

It should surprise no one that the Mexican government and people had their national pride insulted by Trump’s offer to send troops across the border. Besides that, there are many who are nervous at the prospect of armed gringos from the U.S. military once again being present in Mexican territory. And many of the people too believed that Trump’s offer was more of a veiled threat. 

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador made it very clear that he would not allow the U.S. to conduct cross-border armed operations in Mexican territory. “Armed foreigners cannot intervene in our territory. We will not allow that,” he said. 

However, Lopez Obrador then extended an olive branch, toning down the rhetoric. He added that any such operations are unlikely, stating there was already “great cooperation” between the neighbors.  He said that President Trump had always treated him “respectfully.”

“In the unlikely case that a decision is taken that we consider affects our sovereignty, then we will act within the framework of international law, but I see it as unlikely,” he said.

Mexico’s foreign minister Marcello Ebrard took it a step farther warning that it was a “violation of national sovereignty.” He is set to meet with U.S. officials in the near future. “We will act firmly. I have transmitted our position to the U.S., as well as our resolve to face international organized crime. Mutual respect is the basis for cooperation.”