North Korea likely hasn’t ranked high on your list of potential vacation destinations in recent years, perhaps because of the oppressive government regime, the scarcity of food, or the high likelihood that you could be imprisoned indefinitely over something as simple as taking a poster off of a wall.  One would think, then, that the State Department’s recent announcement that Americans would be banned from traveling to the reclusive state wouldn’t surprise anyone, including the North Korean officials that are still currently holding three American citizens in their prisons.

It would seem such an assumption would be wrong, however, as North Korea has issued a strange series of statements regarding the travel ban.

Now is [the] time for the Trump administration to come to its senses and make a decision to abandon its hostile policy,” KCNA quoted the North Korean spokesman as saying.  “We will always leave our door wide open to any US citizen who would like to visit our country out of goodwill and to see the realities with their own eyes.”

The impetus for this new travel ban was likely the death of U.S. citizen Otto Warmbier, who was released from North Korean custody in a brain-dead state, before succumbing to his condition days later.  Warmbier, a student visiting North Korea via a Chinese tourism company, was accused of stealing a political poster from the hallway of the hotel he stayed in during his trip to North Korea.

The sentence for that crime? Fifteen years of hard labor in a prison camp, and it would seem, physical abuse that may have led directly to his death.  Despite claiming Warmbier died as a result of an untreated botulism infection, North Korea added to their complaints about the recent travel ban announcement with claims that they have delivered “just punishment” to U.S. citizens that have carried out acts against their regime.

“There is no country in the world that would let foreigners who commit this sort of crime be,” the spokesman said. “Ruling criminals by the law is exercising our confident right as a sovereign state.”

U.S. officials, unsurprisingly, don’t seem to agree with the official North Korean assessment of Warmbier’s case.  John McCain, a Republican U.S. senator and former prisoner of war, saw it as a cut and dry case of cold-blooded murder.

“Let us state the facts plainly: Otto Warmbier, an American citizen, was murdered by the Kim Jong-un regime,” he said.