Editor’s Note: Teddy Roosevelt has always been one of my heroes.  He was a man of action who suffered no excuses. The other day as I was reading yet another story on how we are struggling to meet our minimum military enlistment requirements, I thought to myself, “What would old TR have to say about this?”  Fortunately, with a bit of help from Open AI I found out. The results are below. Enjoy! — GDM

My fellow Americans, this is Theodore Roosevelt speaking, the 26th President of the United States. A man known for my time as a Rough Rider and for upholding the values of courage, honor, and duty. It is with an air of urgency and concern that I address you today on a matter of national importance.

I have observed, with a growing unease, that our great nation is faced with a peculiar predicament. Today, we face a crisis that threatens the very fabric of our society, a crisis of will and of resolve. It appears that the young men of our nation are shying away from joining the service, from donning the uniform, and answering the call of duty. Now, this is not a matter to be taken lightly.

rough riders
Teddy Roosevelt and his “Rough Riders.” This is not a “woke” group of men. They took names, kicked ass, and if they weren’t satisfied, kicked it again.

Many have speculated on why this is the case, with theories ranging from a lack of adequate motivation to the attractions of a comfortable civilian life. But let me tell you, it is my firm belief that the reason lies not in the present, but in the past.

In my day, the spirit of adventure and the thirst for glory were the driving forces of manhood. The very idea of service was entwined with the notions of honor, courage, and patriotism.

In today’s world, these ideals seem to have been cast aside in favor of convenience and comfort. The fires of patriotism appear to be dwindling in the hearts of our youth, replaced by an inclination for personal gain and self-preservation. We must understand that this path does not lead to the growth and prosperity of our nation, nor does it cultivate the character of our men.

Now, as for what I would do about it, the solution, I believe, lies in rekindling those dormant sparks of valor and dedication that I firmly believe still reside in the hearts of our young men.