You can read the previous part here.

We explored the historical background of the Rhodesian SAS C Squadron. Now it is time to focus on a few of the missions that they undertook during the Rhodesian Bush War, a war that threatened to destroy the government of Rhodesia, take the land and evict those of European descent.

There are resources available (though hard to find) that follow the actions of the SAS over a decade of constant contact with the enemy. Given the long period, it would be impossible in this article to do justice to all of the actions taken by the SAS. Yet, little by little, more of the men who served are putting pen to their experiences and letting us delve into a piece of military history that is not widely studied.

Rhodesia Against the World

Just as Britain had carved up the Federation, it also made demands on the people of Rhodesia: The British wanted to govern from London a people that had carved out its living from the wilderness of Africa.

Although no formal form of Apartheid existed in Rhodesia, the British declared that Rhodesia must immediately give up white Majority rule. Unlike South Africa at the time, Native Africans were part of the Ian Smith government and the Rhodesians themselves were working towards further integrating the blacks into politics and the economy. Furthermore, the Tribal Trust Lands were administered and provided for by the government. Yet, Smith believed it would be disastrous to completely turn over the government to a people not yet integrated into the work or education necessary to govern a nation.

Ironically, the Bush War would take a higher toll on the Black Rhodesians than on the Whites as the Communist terrorists slaughtered thousands of Shona and Matebele men, women, and children.

The demands from Britain led to the Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Rhodesia declared itself free from being ruled as a colony and would go it alone. The British immediately retaliated with sanctions on oil and other commodities in an attempt to strangle Rhodesia into submission. Fortunately, there were a few allies that defied the United Nations and helped Rhodesia in its struggle: South Africa was a stalwart ally, along with Israel and a few other Middle Eastern countries.