Editor’s Note: We received this from the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s Office of Strategic Communications. It comes to use as Russia’s Deputy Representative to the UN Demetry Polyanskiy called for a meeting at the UN on July 11th which will purport to inform the assembled body of the history of Nazism in Ukraine and its current status within the country.

Ukraine has responded with its own research which makes the case that within Russia a modern neo-nazi(neo-fascism) phenomenon also exists in Russia and has for some time.

A short time back we published content about the odd-world universe of Russian graphic novels that fetishizes the Nazis as allies of the Soviet Union. The USSR and Nazi Germany did begin WWII as allies and invaded Poland together remaining allies for nearly two years until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June, 1941.

It is said that, “War is diplomacy by other means” and all wars end up boiling down to political differences between belligerents that cannot be settled peacefully. In Ukraine, this war does not seem to be about new disagreements but about very old ones.

That being said, Nazism is interwoven into the histories of both Ukraine and Russia. As I said earlier, the USSR and Nazi Germany began WWII as allies.  They were not ideological rivals to each other but competitors in socialist ideologies.  Soviet Communism was internationalist in scope, with the slogan “Worker of the world unite” placing Moscow at the center of a world movement, while National Socialism in Germany was centered around Germans as the master race and culture of the entire world and centered in Berlin.

When the German army occupied Ukraine in WWII more than a few Ukrainians welcomed them believing it would free them of Stalin’s brutal control and that Germany would recognize Ukraine as a country.  Soon enough they realized that the Nazis wanted Ukraine for its land to colonize with Germans and its own population was expendable or to be used as slave labor to build the German Reich.  This pushed them back into the hands of Moscow and millions served in the Red Army.

Russians had a similar experience.  In many parts of Russia, the German army was initially welcomed as liberators from Stalinist rule, over 1 million captured Russian soldiers took up arms again to fight against the Soviets on the side of the Nazis.

We offer this essay without endorsement, but it is an interesting view into how Ukrainians see themselves in this war that is supposedly between two countries both accusing the other of being Nazis.  We trust our readers to decide which has the better claim against the other.