A Presidential Order concerning the southern border has activated dozens of reserve units and thousands of individuals. After President Trump declared a national emergency in February 2019 this order comes as no surprise.

According to the Order, the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Reserve Components Medical Corp, Dental Corp, and anesthetist officers will conduct 90-day boots-on-the-ground rotations for up to 24 months. Soldiers under this order must have 12 months dwell but can waive this requirement and deploy nevertheless.

The 151st Aviation Regiment, whose headquarters is in South Carolina, has been ordered to make calls for over 25 individual companies, mainly security forces and engineers, such as Military Police and Sappers. Units will be coming out of South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and several other states.

Some Americans are worried over the surge as they fear the increased numbers of American troops being used to collect intelligence.

It is unknown for just how long these units will be mobilized. Last year President Trump had stated the following, “The United States is launching enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Western Hemisphere. The [military] will increase surveillance, seizures of drug shipments, and provide additional support for eradication efforts that are going on right now at a record pace.”

“These additional forces will nearly double our capacity to conduct counter-narcotics operations in the region,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper added.

A large part of President Trump’s campaign concerned the security of the U.S.’s southern border. Building a wall across the U.S.-Mexican border had been one of the President’s proclamations.

Since his first day in office, Trump has slowly been delivering on that issue: Sections of the border wall are already being built.