Soldiers returning home from the battlefield often find the adjustment to civilian life challenging. Whether it’s the difficulty finding a job that aligns with their military experience or learning to live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), there are more than enough reasons to struggle. 

But one veteran is finding a creative way to adapt to the civilian world. 

First, he built a farm to grow food to help feed struggling veterans and their families in the DC area at no cost to them. Then he started providing training opportunities for other veterans interested in learning about the farming industry. The kicker? He is accomplishing all this with no prior farming experience to help manage an extreme case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Pete Scott, the veteran behind it all, was a former counter-intelligence agent for the 902nd Military Intelligence Group which works hand in hand with special operations units. He recently sat down with SOFREP to tell us about his background and how he ended up running a farm.

Fields 4 Valor Farms
Pete Scott, founder of Fields 4 Valor Farms.

“After 11 years (1999-2010) in the Army, I was burnt out,” Pete said.

Can you blame him? Pete spent his entire military career during the War on Terror, one of the most intense and tumultuous periods for American armed forces which were actively fighting two wars. The multiple deployments around the world eventually caught up to him. 

“I’ve been through a lot. I was rated for 100 percent disability by the VA for PTSD. I had to go through an intense six-month in-patient therapy,” Pete continues. “After that, I bounced around awhile but found nothing that stuck.” 

Having a passion for food and cooking, Pete enrolled in culinary school. However, that didn’t do the trick either.