Two Virginia National Guard members, Staff Sergeants Daniel Abbott and Alexandra Griffeth, are facing scrutiny for their involvement in what has been called an anti-government militia. Both top-performing soldiers in the Guard run the Campbell County Militia (CCM), which operates in rural Virginia. Their dual roles as soldiers and militia leaders have sparked concerns, as their militia, according to, is known for its anti-government rhetoric and preparations for possible violent conflict with authorities.

CCM members on patrol
CCM members on patrol. Image credit: CCM

According to, whose reporters listened to several hours of recordings of meetings of the militia, they claim Abbott stated the following:

“Our own government is the greatest threat to our safety and security. Power is akin to force. I would argue there are only two forces man has direct access to. One of those is violence …(and) the threat of violence.” 

I’d like to note here that I have not personally seen or heard any anti-government rhetoric come from the group and I have a request pending to interview both Abbott and Griffeth. I have, however, found the video below which is essentially one of their new members meetings. They also run a publically accessible website featuring what you might expect…photos of members doing group activities, a news and events section and even an online store.

This is a county-approved militia. Campbell County, Virginia’s board of supervisors, in 2020, took a vote and it was six to one in favor of recognizing the organization as “a barrier against tyrannical government.”


Abbott, who was named the Virginia Guard’s noncommissioned officer of the year in 2023, has reportedly openly discussed the possibility of using force to oppose what he perceives as government overreach. The militia was officially recognized by the Campbell County Board of Supervisors despite its controversial stance. Both Abbott and Griffeth hold leadership positions in the militia, with Griffeth responsible for tactical training, including marksmanship.