In many ways, Elon Musk’s SpaceX has helped reenergize public interest in space science, thanks in no small part to the expert marketing and PR efforts they’ve coupled with their ambitious, but often successful, orbital endeavors. SpaceX’s rocket launches, in particular, have become an online spectacle, with multiple camera views live streaming the event to allow the general public a chance to come along for the ride … except on Friday’s launch.

Nine minutes into the otherwise routine Falcon 9 launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in southern California, the video feed from the rocket was abruptly cut on an order from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, apparently on the grounds of national security.

Due to some restrictions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA for short, SpaceX will be intentionally ending live video coverage of the second stage just prior to engine shutdown,” SpaceX materials engineer Michael Hammersley said during the launch.

“We’re working with NOAA to address these restrictions in order to hopefully be able to bring you live views from orbit in the future.”

The issue, it would seem, is a recent decision made by the NOAA regarding the cameras SpaceX has been mounting on the second stage of their rockets. According to their ruling, the fact that those cameras often transmit back images that include the earth, they qualify as orbital remote sensing equipment, and therefore require a license to be permitted to operate in the skies above the earth.

The National and Commercial Space Program Act requires a commercial remote sensing license for companies having the capacity to take an image of Earth while on orbit,” NOAA officials wrote in the statement

“Now that launch companies are putting video cameras on stage 2 rockets that reach an on-orbit status, all such launches will be held to the requirements of the law and its conditions.”

At first glance, then, SpaceX being forced to shut down their feed could simply be the result of them not going through the appropriate licensing steps to stream their second stage cameras from orbi. SpaceX’s official statement echoed this idea, saying that they intend to secure the license they need soon.