Yesterday, a cellphone video depicting an anti-Semitic rant went viral. The woman shown in the video is Leslie Socolov, an ex-Miami-Dade Police Department employee. Mainstream media quickly churned out articles detailing the woman’s verbal assault.

“Move your f—ing car, you stupid Jew,” she screamed in the video, reported the Washington Post. “Just because you’re Jewish and a Democrat doesn’t give you the right to stay there. Move it.”

The Post article went on to say that “during the confrontation, Leslie Socolov, 64, allegedly returned to her Prius and rammed into the SUV with her car, the other driver told police.”

The Miami Herald interviewed Socolov after the incident, reporting that she was unapologetic about her actions; “Oh well, f— them. Democrats,” she said to a reporter from the Herald.

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