Jordan Brown is a 19-year veteran serving in the Royal Air Force (RAF). He is assigned to the RAF Regiment, a unit that provides soldiering support to the RAF. Airmen serving in the RAF Regiment can perform a variety of roles to include airfield security, Joint Terminal Attack Control (JTAC) support to ground combat units, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence.

In March 2017, the 36-year-old Brown, who has two children, was diagnosed with a very rare slow developing terminal brain tumour. Doctors performed an operation to remove the tumour, but it didn’t succeed. He refused to give up.

“The words cancer, terminal, brain and tumour are without doubt the most terrifying words I have ever heard, however they provide me now with a new determined focus. A focus on fighting an enemy that I cannot see nor fully understand, but it has created a fire in my stomach that no situation I have experienced so far in my life has been able to create. I see this illness as a direct attack on my beautiful little family, to which I will not tolerate, but am acutely aware of the seriousness of my position.”

Alongside his wife, Debbie Brown, he sought alternative treatments. After much research, they discovered three separate programs designed to combat the type of rare tumour Brown has (Proton Beam Therapy, magnetic and immunotherapy infusions, and the experimental Apollo Moon Shot Program). The financial cost, however, is very large (close to $450,000).  The Browns, thus, began a fundraiser that, coupled with their own savings, would enable them to go to the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, where the treatment is located.

They have an uphill struggle, for sure. A recent survey revealed that less than 20 percent of those diagnosed with brain cancer survive beyond five years. But they don’t stand alone. Nine of his comrades from 1 Squadron RAF Regiment decided to undertake an Olympian challenge to raise money for their brother-in-arms. They finished their undertaking a few days ago. The “Tri for Jordan” challenge entailed the covering of an unthinkable 9,518 miles in 100 days. The airmen ran, rowed, biked, or rucked the distance either outdoors or indoors, using treadmills, stationary bikes, and rowing machines.  This was the program for each man:

Run:  Day 1 to 35 (11 miles per day)
Row:  Day 36 to 49 (7.3 miles per day)
Cycle: Day 50 (42.4 miles)
Cycle: Day 51 (42.4 miles)
Row: Day 52 to 65 (7.3 miles per day)
Run: Day 66 to 100 (11 miles per day)

In the final day, they were joined by crowds of fellow servicemen and civilians.