The Obama/Hillary/Holder regime’s arrogant façade is slowly crumbling. The president and his cabal of handlers have somehow gone a step too far. There is no accounting for why the media and some other of the Chicago gang’s public enablers are seemingly turning on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But indeed they are. Maybe the revelations of the Associated Press (AP) having its communications sucked into the maw of the political targeters let slip the mask of the “fun-to-hang-out-with-dude” fronting the regime. The revelation that the “dude” is instead a punk may have shocked those Politically Correct Progressives who empowered the dude and his handlers.

The pure power the gang commands is unprecedented in American history. An astute student of American politics, influence, scandals, and misdeeds would be hard pressed to find a more stunning abuse of power than what has been revealed of the Obama clique’s misdeeds to date. And I use “to date” purposefully. It is very likely that there remain many more shoes to drop as we learn specifics of this regime’s corrupt political hounding of its “enemies.”

Intimidation and veiled threats are powerful when wielded by investigators with the power to take your livelihood, your reputation, your freedom, or your life. I first wrote about what I called the Obama/Holder Global War on the CIA, in August of 2009 (in Newsmax), when the uniquely unqualified Leon Panetta was the Director of the CIA. In the next two years, I wrote several more articles about the politicization of the CIA and the war on terror. The main target of my analysis was the unctuous John Brennan, at the time Obama’s toady “Terrorism Czar.”

In February, 2011, I wrote a BigPeace article titled Cairo Meddler–Czar Brennan Needs to Go.This massive cluster-failure of a foreign policy looks like an amateur operation, run by a wannabe operator. The one personality in the Obama administration that fits that description is John Brennan.

Egypt today is no place for a ‘semester abroad expert’ political analyst to be allowed free rein. Obama, fire John Brennan today. Let the DNI that you and your party craved do his work. You have a huge intelligence collection and analysis infrastructure idling while Brennan plays his egomaniacal games.

Do the right thing. Bring Brennan back out of the shadows and put him to pasture. Let professionals do the job.”

I heard from friends that some of my articles had been posted on the media board inside headquarters. A shrewish comment on the BigPeace website was clearly from a classmate, now a high level officer in management. While not quite notorious, I definitely had ruffled feathers, and was not appreciated.

In an article published in BigPeace in May 2011, I said, “The CIA leadership now is more political than ever. Never in its history has a pure political hack been in charge, before now. Never has an administration been so enamored of lying and hiding its true foreign policies behind covert action.